

Tracks Dance Tuesdays - Series #1
Tuesday 13th March  –  Tuesday 15th May

5.30 – 6.45pm   Beginner / Intermediate
7.00 – 8.15pm   Intermediate / Advanced

A fun and energetic class taught by Jess Devereux, exploring the dancer‘s relationship with flowing rhythms and changing speeds.
Both simple and complex movement phrases are taught in a fun and encouraging environment, involving breath work to activate the centre, working to move efficiently and dynamically through space. The emphasis is on momentum, dynamic range and expansion. Great for improving flexibility and co-ordination. WOOT! Come have a dance.

Cost: $10 per class, drop ins. Or pay upfront for the whole series & receive 15% discount! 10 classes for $85
Tracks Studio, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts.
To book, or for further info please call Jess on 89411410 or email:


We welcome Bilha Smith, Deni Ranasinghe, Ashley Dougan, Kristi Renfrey, Teddy Suphannabutt and Jacqui Wilcocks as the six participants in this years Chorographic Program

Since 1988 we have continued to support the fabulous Grey Panthers (women 60+) with workshops and performance opportunities. Classes are at the Tracks Rehearsal Studio on Friday mornings.   For more information, please contact Tracks on:

p: 89411410

The Cast and Creative Team were asked a few questions about being a man. Heres what they said.
*For the sake of this survey Kelly Beneforti was made an honorary man.

What have you made?

  • A Paper Maché skull/mask.
  • Home-brew beer.
  • A Foldout stool made in first form, 1971.
  • A pottery owl.
  • A loaf of bread.
  • A Garden Watering System.
  • A video camera on which I capture the dramatic works that I create in my classroom with my students. I have been involved in theatre for thirty-five years and now I have the opportunity to pass on some of that knowledge.
  • What I have made is either toooo small and other is tooooo big.
  • I have chosen a wooden dice that I made in grade 8.
  • My Ukulele and a song I have written.
  • An irrigation controller.
  • A 2 volume Family history commencing circa 1800 to date with a particular focus on wartime ancestors.
  • A miniature Trebuchet which is version of a catapult used in war to hurl rocks or dead cattle into castles. I made it in school.
  • A Sheet Metal Toolbox.
  • An Origami Crane.
  • A photo Album.

What have you made that you are most proud of?

  • My 2 beautiful daughters.
  • A set of ‘dream story’ cushion covers. I still have one left.
  • I made a kitchen once out of recycled Baltic pine floorboards and roofing slates.
  • The only thing I have in Darwin that is handmade is a wooden bookstand. However, in the past, I have made lots of things, wooden drawing case, metal toolbox, cold chisel, wine rack etc. I used to be a boilermaker once.
  • Aztec Sun Calendar Dial that I made in the first year of High School. It was the first time I put a solid amount of thought and effort into creating something which genuinely afterwards surprised me on what I could possibly accomplish.
  • Beats. I’ve made some albums and songs I’m very proud of Here’s one in particular -
  • Music. (a CD).
  • I recently constructing pool fencing.
  • When I was in grade 5 my grandfather helped me make a volcano that was really cool.
  • I am most proud that I made … my nasty Ex disappear from my life.
  • A garden to wander in. Also I have taught young people who have successfully moved toward their goals.
  • A paper maché crocodile made when I was 5, or a wooden shelf made in middle school.
  • A piece of artwork.
  • When I was little, I would make dresses out of tinsel at Christmas time and parade them around the house for my family to admire.
  • I write songs in my spare time, and the songs that make me proud are the ones I finish.
  • My 4 kids.
  • I love making and would define myself as a maker. Recently I made the tables and stools for Man Made.
  • I am proud of my progress in song writing as a musician.
  • I have made a few things threw out my childhood/early adulthood that I’m pretty proud of, various other items wood and metal works such and shelves, clamps dustpans and a handful of paintings. I always tried my best to make with precision. I always had pride in my physical schoolwork. Outside of school I have designed and produced various t-shirt prints for myself, my crew and for sale to the public.
  • I’ve written a series of 52 songs over the course of a year, I think I’m most proud of completing that goal, though the songs themselves aren’t all that great.
  • The thing I am most proud of making is a coffee table.

Which male do you most respect? Why?

  • I respect myself the most, so others can respect me :)
  • John Kuipers (Uncle). For years he has been helping sick people to get better free of charge and has a wonderful outlook on life.
  • I rather respect Jerry Jangala Patrick, a Warlpiri elder who now resides in Lajamanu. His extensive traditional knowledge, his ability to contemporaries and share that with non-Indigenous people, and his commitment to going forwards hand in hand is admirable, and passed on through his son Steve Jampijinpa Patrick. Jerry is compassionate, and gentle, and strong.
  • I have been blessed to have so many male great mentors along the way. People like Howard Jones, Phillip Eatwell, Kevin Phang, Solomon Gaturu, Glenn Bernardin, John Sullivan to name a few. Ordinary people in many regards that are brilliant, highly intelligent, with so much wisdom, hardworking and with a lot of humility towards people is Just wonderful. Real role models if I have ever seen some.
  • There are definitely many for different reasons!  At the moment if I were to pick one: Mark Robberds - a man both physically and mentally talented, can comfortably take the role of teacher or student, constantly questions ideas, does not conform to the general status quo and lives an abundant life without letting wealth become a priority.
  • Killer Mike. Passionate, political and loves fried chicken.
  • Thich Nat Hanh (A Buddhist Monk) because he embodies what I think are the most important qualities for a man to possess.
  • I Respect Pirates and I envy their freedom.
  • James Comey, former FBI director – Stood up for his values despite immense pressure from POTUS.
  • My Dad of course!  Because he’s awesome.
  • I mostly respect any male who has had the strength to stand up for what they believe in.
  • Namatjira MP, Chansey Paech because he was brave enough to stand as an openly gay, indigenous man.
  • My two son’s for how they are living their life, meeting adversity and achieving 
  • goals.
  • I respect my dad the most. Because he brought me up and helped me be me by always supporting my choices.
  • My father because he helped become what I am now.
  • Drew H, step-son. Knows where he is going and he is getting there.
  • I most respect my partner because he teaches me to love, and to laugh.
  • My son. I have watched him grow into a young man who has followed a dream and achieved his goals. He is caring and considerate and loves his family. My respect is built on what he has become in the mad world of today.
  • I have great respect for male friends who have had their childhood violently disrupted by war. Having to flee their country of birth (their home) and coming to Australia, a different country, culture and language. Making this place their home and growing to feel at home in themselves within this new place. Equally the older men in Lajamanu, who have taken me in. They grow up on the land not knowing of a white culture. Their current lives would have been unimaginable to them as a child. They have gracefully dealt with so much change. These older men have taught me so much about being a male.
  • Jimmy Fung   Why?  My Sifu.
  • My brother is the man that I most respect and look up to, mostly. He has always been a role model of mine: manly, strong, has lots of good friends which includes girls. We are always really close and even though we have grown apart since he works and I go to high school I still like to kick the footy and wrestle with my big bro.
  • Fathers, when they work for the betterment of their families, being one of the pillars that holds them together.
  • Anwar Sadat – based on his biography he seemed like a good bloke and excellent President of Egypt.
  • I’ve respected many male figures in my life, my grand farther, my dad, 3 different martial art instructors, Nick Power. I can’t say I respect any of them more or less than the other. The older I get the more I understand everyone’s flaws and also why I respect them. The ‘why’ I respect them changes for each person though. I respect my dad of obligation/unconditionally because he’s my dad but also because of the life and struggles he went through being first generational immigrant who pretty much fled his country. And how he accomplished so much with help from my mum just so we kids have it good. I respect my grandfather because of the wealth of knowledge and time he had for me and my brother. And how he would always go the extra mile for us. Over the decade of martial arts training I have also had many instructors and teachers I gave respect to all of them out of obligations but I only truly respected 3 of them. Their mastery and understanding of the art and how they change me as a person is what really did that. This is very much the same with Nick however he is also a pretty good mate which is a bit different still as there a less formalities and more openness.
  • Probably my Dad. He’s always taught me by example to be honest and to stand by my principles.
  • A Father. It is because a father is always there for their kids and always supports.

What makes you cry?

  • Old memories.
  • People that judge, animal cruelty, homelessness.
  • Thinking of losing some one I love, also this happens in movies for the same reason. It is the feeling of having to let go forever that brings on the waterworks.
  • Good question. When I can be vulnerable is a good start – a safe place.
  • The thought of losing loved ones.
  • Gururmul singing WUKUN live at the State Theatre.
  • Being tickled. Sad life events such as losing people I’m close to.
  • Seeing someone I care for in pain.
  • Tear jerker movies.
  • When my mates at school don’t treat me nicely.
  • Having close friends/family leave whether that be died or just leaving.
  • Youth homelessness and violence.
  • Some music. Recognising people facing life’s ups and downs.
  • Whenever someone I love cries.
  • Loss.
  • Emotions – Sad and Happy.
  • Sooooo many things that I don’t know where to begin. 100% guaranteed to make me cry is a horse dying in a film.
  • It doesn’t take much…particular movies, songs, the latest must watch clip from Britain’s got Talent. Thinking about my kids
  • Kevin Rudd saying sorry to the stolen generation always makes me tear up. Whether on film or in real life those moments where people overcome the odds to make or do good usually get to me. Be that the main character in the movie Lion finding his mother, a group of Tracks dancers performing their new dance for the first time, Cathy Freeman winning gold or after much sweat finally finishing that house on Grand Design.
  • When others are sad.
  • When people that I look up to and want to be like make me feel not wanted and loved. I sometimes can't breath properly and start crying when all that bottled up emotion becomes too much to handle; it could be the smallest trigger but I can't stop it from happening once it starts.
  • Heartache, bad things happening to loved ones.
  • ‘Poignant bits in some movies – sometimes, but, no-one would notice.
  • Apart from the usual heartbreak? When I was younger I used to get so angry and worked up over things that I would cry. I’m quite prone to getting empathy tears whenever I watch a movie or documentary involving some sort of family sacrifice, usually with siblings.
  • All kinds of things. Music, history documentaries, the endings of good movies.
  • Being broken-hearted, let down, hurt by my loved ones.
  • Families that don’t get along. Eg mother and father, or father and son.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • The best version of myself, someone that the younger generation can look up to and follow.
  • I always wanted to be a chef, or an old Greek philosopher walking around dropping my pearls of wisdom.
  • An airline pilot – though in reality it is a pretty boring job. However, you get to go places and you are paid to do so. A sort of romantic freedom in so many ways.
  • Happy.
  • A Jedi.
  • A teacher of sustainable living techniques.
  • Someone who is taken seriously.
  • Football player (Maybe a Dancer ).
  • I want to be a professional dancer/Performer.
  • Still working that out (at 59).
  • Whatever I am at the time, if ever I grow that far up.
  • I want to be anything that makes me happy no matter what it is.
  • I still see myself becoming a Performing Artist or a Visual Artist.
  • A retiree.
  • I want to speak many many languages of the world.
  • Homemaker.
  • I wanted to be an Oceanographer
  • A Singer songwriter, actor, dancer. I just love performing and the whole entertainment industry.
  • Doctor or Dancer. Maybe both if I’m good enough/lucky.
  • Retired Comfortably.
  • Pretty much what I’m doing now – dancing, performing and making work.
  • Is growing up mandatory? I want to be able to make people laugh. That’s about as far as my plan extends.
  • The best person that I can, I have lived for 21 years so far, and I never believe I will ever fully grow up until the day I die. I just want to be the best that I can be.
  • I want to be a dancer, and mostly a father.

What do you like about being male?

  • Being physically strong.
  • Not wearing a shirt is ok!! Disclaimer: if you're in the sun I do recommend wearing one.
  • I like to feel like I can do things, be competent, and look after those I love. I also like being able to get ready in 10 minutes in the morning. Being able to piss easily in the open. Getting on with other men in an uncomplicated way. I like growing facial hair and playing with it.
  • The tribalism that men can share.
  • That I don’t need to give birth! I have the utmost respect for women! Giving birth looks terrifying!
  • Having a beard.
  • The freedom and the physical capabilities.
  • The laid back attitude towards life.
  • Not taking life too seriously.
  • Because that’s who I am! And that’s all I know!!
  • I like the fact that I get trusted with harder tasks.
  • Having a doodle.
  • Acknowledging vulnerability.
  • Being able to make your voice deep.
  • Not having the body parts of a female.
  • Surrounded by loving females (Family).
  • Having hairy armpits.
  • I like being a Dad.
  • My hairy bits.
  • It’s not about being a male but being me.
  • I like how sometimes people look up to you, you are seen as strong and steady, even if this isn't the case.
  • Not having to feel the pain and/or suffer menstruation/pregnancy.
  • Besides having no choice in the matter it seems a good gig with plenty of freedom.
  • Biologically I think it’s pretty sweet and easy not having to deal with periods and child bearing. Plus doing all the stuff I like doing comes easier because of the natural strength advantage.
  • Less societal pressure to keep up your appearance I think. I haven’t shaved in about a week and no ones batted an eye yet.
  • Strength, being fit and playing a lot of sport and mostly a brother to my little sister.

What is the ‘manliest’ thing you have ever done?

  • Admitting lies and also telling and accepting the truth.
  • A night scuba dive.
  • Renovated 3 houses, before the days of DIY and television renovation shows. As part of this I worked with my father who showed me how to work with rewiring and plumbing, also working with my dad to recondition an engine.
  • Doing a Tracks production – honest.
  • Allow myself to get help from a counselor when my life fell to shit.
  • Otherwise, I guess go back to the money exchange in Indonesia who scammed me and get my money back by trying my best to be intimidating.  I got my money back. =)
  • Grown a beard.
  • Worked in a brick factory.
  • Everything I do is manly!
  • Flown on the side of a helicopter with a M60 machine gun while it was banking from side to side and following the terrain. This is not a dream, it occurred while I was a member of the army reserve.
  • Probably camping with 10 mates and their dad’s.
  • IDK
  • Stood up to a bully at work.
  • Started dancing, like I always wanted.
  • Not sure.
  • Working on a vehicle.
  • Cut down huge weeping fig tree – by myself – with a chainsaw.
  • Made my dad get up and stack the dishwasher in front of all his male Italian family and friends who usually just sit and drink while the women work.
  • When I joined the Navy. It was purely on a whim in 2000, but I stayed in for 14 years.
  • At the age of 32 I let my family know I was gay. Although that didn’t feel manly in itself, after it, I felt like a lion that could roar.
  • Protected others when being threatened.
  • The manliest thing I have ever done by society’s eyes in growing up in Nauyu community and lived in the bush having to go through and endure rough nights stranded nowhere. But by my eyes the manliest thing I have ever done is cried in front of other guys, that’s what I think all People should be allowed to do even if it was seen as ‘Feminine’.
  • Having the strength to get out of a toxic relationship.
  • The Fastest manual wool-bailer in WA shearing area over 3 months.
  • I had a habit of standing up to people in school who would pick on people. But I don’t think that’s particularly manly.
  • Earlier this year I purchased my very own drill and screw gun set and immediately constructed a table out of scrap timber.
  • Built a house and a car from scratch.
  • Fixed a bedside fan for someone.

Why are you dancing?

  • Simply because I enjoy it and I am happy when I dance.
  • To inspire my two young girls to try things outside their comfort zones.
  • Because I can, I understand it. It is something that unites my love of the physical, with the intellect, and emotions.
  • To try and become more open, honest, expressive and confident.
  • I’m dancing on the inside, but I love making beats for dancers.
  • Because I enjoy it.
  • To keep my fitness up.
  • Its fun.
  • I enjoy it and it makes me feel good. I will use it when I grow older. Like for a job.
  • I’m dancing because it allows me to escape from the world around me. When I have a bad day and I go to dance my day magically improves.
  • Because I can’t !
  • I don’t know. I have always wanted to.
  • Because it is something I love doing.
  • Because I love every bit of it, it feels like it completes and understands me.
  • Fitness and family.
  • It makes so much sense to me.
  • Purely for fun and getting to know new people.
  • Dancing in my kitchen takes me out of my head, enabling me to transform emotionally and feel free. I guess dancing in the lounge room would be similar.
  • Social / exercise / coordination / fun.
  • I believe dance can reveal more about a person and say things on a deeper level than words.  Dance for me is about expression and communication.  On the other side of the spectrum it is the love to explore the potential of the physical body through movement.
  • I love all forms of art. It’s not only a way to vent and express ones self but to also show a side that even closest family and friends haven't seen. A Japanese proverb goes, we all have three faces, one we show to the world, one to our closest family and friends and one we show no one on purpose and only we see when we want to.
  • The love for it, which stems from parents’ past and the dancers that I admire and gather inspiration from.
  • For a new and foreign experience, plus, being persistently invited by a friend.
  • Why not? Better doing this than a 9-5 that I hate. For people who don’t give a shit about you.
  • Wait. I’m dancing?!? I’m doing what I do because I love the process involved in making performance art. Taking something from an idea and working out all the little problems and complications until you have a finished and polished work is really fulfilling for me.
  • Because I enjoy the feeling of performing on stage in front of people and being able to create something that is mine for an audience to see.
  • Because dancing is what made me the person I am today.

When did you know you were no longer a boy but had become a man?

  • When I learnt to be strong by myself, when friends had cut themselves off from me.
  • When I bought my first razor.
  • In close succession: when I first had sex, and when I bought my first house while at university, and when I had to move interstate for my first professional job.
  • I think we never really grow up. My wife says that to me all the time.
  • When I moved out of home and had to do my own washing for the first time and the realisation that the only thing I knew how to cook was Mie Goreng packet noodles. Dark times.
  • When I got drunk and didn’t feel guilty.
  • When I quit High School and got a full time labouring job.
  • When I started to get more responsibilities at work.
  • When the bills started rolling in.
  • I’m not a man yet so I can’t really answer this question.
  • Puberty, and when my parents began to trust me with more responsibilities.
  • When I got my driver's licence.
  • When set sail for the other side of the world alone at age 19.
  • Once I was in year 12 and realised I had to start planning my future.
  • At the age of 20 years old because I have finally realised that I have some responsibilities that have to be taken care of.
  • When I left home and bought first house.
  • When my dog starting obeying my commands.
  • When my Dad left Mum. I was 15. I realised I had a lot more responsibility in the family.
  • When I was five, my Mum got quiet depressed after giving birth to my third brother. At this point I started to feel responsible for looking after my brothers and parents, I didn’t feel I was a boy anymore.
  • You mean there is a difference? Having to negotiate life, like job, relationships and living away from home.
  • Well… I'm 15 soooooo I am still in transition. Hahaha.
  • Voice breakage, and how everybody notices it.
  • At 17 and called up for National Service, and, spending the next 6 years in a variety of roles profitably avoiding it until Gough got elected.
  • As the eldest brother I was given a lot of privileges but also a lot of responsibility. This coupled with the fact I hit puberty pretty early, I reckon I was 15 when I thought I was more man than boy. In hindsight I would probably consider 20/21 as the turning point maybe…
  • The first time I travelled on my own. I managed to navigate, find a place to stay and survive in a different city and that made me feel truly independent for the first time.
  • When I had to take care of mother at the age of 12, she needed me and I needed her, we looked after each other and broke the bonds of mother and son. We became something more – we became best friends.
  • When I started High School.


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Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

Copyright © 2012 - 2024 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.