Publications, Presentations and Writings
*Publications and Writings specifically related to Lajamanu/ Milpirri (Indigenous).
*2022 - Telling Stories Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University. Music as Living Heritage: Warlpiri Aboriginal Milpirri [group presentation]. Professor Jennifer Loureide Biddle, Sudiipta Dowsett, David McMicken, Wanta Steve Jampijinpa Patrick. (Steve Jampijinpa Patrick was unable to present due to illness.)
David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2020 Saving for a Rainy Day - a Model of Continuity, Keynote Presentation for October Business Month, Darwin. click to read
David McMicken, 2019 Belonging and the Ageing Body, National Dance Forum, Darwin. click to read
*Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick and David McMicken, 2013 A Lifetime’s Collaboration, National Dance Forum, Melbourne. click to read
David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2010 “Dance: a Whole of Life Experience,” paper presented at Moved by Us: Regional Dance Forum at Junction, Launceston, Tasmania. click to read
Tim Newth and David McMicken, 2010 What is an Australian Dancer?, Moved by Us Forum - Regional Arts Australia, Tasmania. click to read
*David McMicken, Tim Newth and Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, 2008 Milpirri - A Cross-Cultural Collaboration - 20 Years in the Making, Regional Arts Australia Conference, Alice Springs. click to read
David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2003 “The Getting of Intercultural Wisdom,” paper presented at the Body Talks Conference, Melbourne International Arts Festival. click to read
*David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2002 "Collaborating with Diversity" a paper presented at the Groundswell - National Regional Arts Conference, Albury / Wodonga. click to read
David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2002 Working in an Intercultural Environment, AD 2002, Ballarat, Victoria. click to read
David McMicken, 2002 The Place of Small-Medium Sector In Cultural ‘biodiversity’ - notes developed from discussion at AD 2002, Ballarat, Victoria. click to read
David McMicken, 1992 “Planning a Future for the Individual Artist”, paper presented at Northern Territory Arts Forum, Darwin. click to read
Artist's Writings
David McMicken, 2020 A Response to Current Crisis - Arts Funding Statement. click to read
David McMicken, 2016 Landed - an audience experience approach. click to read
David McMicken, 2015, Embodied Grey Panthers. click to read
*David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2008 Milpirri - A Cross-Cultural Collaboration - 20 Years in the Making - paper. click to read
*David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2003 “Between Foot and Voice” a research paper for Tracks exploring the contemporary dance language that originates from Australian Warlpiri (desert) and Tiwi (Top End) dance forms. click to read
David McMicken, 2003 River of the Underground - audience notes for youth. click to read
*Tim Newth, David McMicken and Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, 1996 “Ngapa Two Cultures One Country”, report and dairy extracts to accompany research project and resulting dance/theatre performance. click to read
Tim Newth, David McMicken, Hellen Sky, Zhodi Cummings, and John McCormick, 1993 “Artists Report”, Artist's diary notes from residency in the Aboriginal community of Angurugu. click to read
Book Chapters, Journal Articles and Writings - About Tracks
Book Chapters
* 2023 Creating Impact USNW arts, Design, Architecture Digital Flick Through Book
*Jennifer Biddle. 2019 Milpirri: Activating the at Risk, pp.351-371, Douglas Kahn (ed), Energies In The Arts, The MIT Press.
Nicholas Rowe, David McMicken, and Tim Newth. 2019 Dancing in the Setting Sun: Performance, Self-Actualization and the Elderly, pp.527-544, Karen Bond (ed), Dance and the Quality of Life. Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
*Kim Dumphy and Vicki-Ann Ware. 2019 Dance and Quality of Life for Indigenous Communities in Australia, pp.503-509, Karen Bond (ed), Dance and the Quality of Life. Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
*Wanta Jampjinpa Patrick, 2017 Wangkayarla Nguruku, Kapungku Nguruju Pina Wangkami-jarla, pp 183- 189, Katherine Aigner (ed), Australia, the Vatican Museums Ingigenous Collection, Edizioni Musei Vaticani.
Michael Shmith, 2014 Tracks Dance Theatre, pp 147, Sidney Myer Fund, A History Of The Sidney Myer Performing Arts Awards.
Jeff Meiners, 2012 Generations Dancing, pp 132-133, Stephanie Burridge and Julie Dyson (ed), Shaping the Landscape, Routledge.
Jacqueline Simmonds, 1997 A Practitioner Speaks, An interview with David McMicken; working through Tracks Dance Collective, pp 104-110, Helen Poynor and Jacqueline Simmonds (ed), Dancers and Communities, Australian Dance Council.
Jacqueline Simmonds, 1997 A Practitioner Speaks, An Interview with Sarah Calver: a history of Tracks Dance Collective: pp 78-85, Helen Poynor and Jacqueline Simmonds (ed), Dancers and Communities, Australian Dance Council.
*Dowsett, S. 2021 ‘Sampling Ceremony: Hip hop workshops and intergenerational cultural production in the central Australian desert’ in Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. 22:2-3.
*Curran, G., Dowsett, S., White-Radhakrishnan, M. [co-producers] 2022 “On Milpirri and digging yams of knowledge with Wanta Steven Jampijinpa Patrick and Jerry Jangala.” Podcast episode in Music! Dance! Culture!
*Curran, G., Dowsett, S., White-Radhakrishnan, M. [co-producers] 2023 “Representing place through hip-hop with Sudiipta Dowsett,” Podcast episode in Music! Dance! Culture!…
Journal Articles
*Curran, G., Dowsett, S., White-Radhakrishnan, M. [co-producers] 2023 “Representing place through hip-hop with Sudiipta Dowsett,” Podcast episode in Music! Dance! Culture! Click to read
*Curran, G., Dowsett, S., White-Radhakrishnan, M. [co-producers] 2022 “On Milpirri and digging yams of knowledge with Wanta Steven Jampijinpa Patrick and Jerry Jangala.” Podcast episode in Music! Dance! Culture! Click to read
*Biddle J, Dowsett S. 2022. Milpirri: An experimental festival re-activates Warlpiri First Nations heritage in a radical celebration of country, community and home. University of New South Wales - Arts Design and Architecture. click to read
Karen Van Ulzen, 2021, Keeping Tracks, pp 66-69, Karen Van Ulzen, Dance Australia, Yaffa Media Pty Ltd. Click to read
*Dowsett, S. 2021 ‘Sampling Ceremony: Hip hop workshops and intergenerational cultural production in the central Australian desert’ in Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. 22:2-3. Click to read
Susanna Ling, 2018, Four decades of VCA Dance artists and where they are now? University of Melbourne, Faculty of Fine Arts and Music. (Jessica Devereux). Click to read
Research Article
* Steven Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick, Jennifer L. Biddle, 2018, Not just ceremony, not just dance, not just idea: Milpirri as hyperrealism, a key word discussion. Visual Anthropology review. click for abstract
*David McMicken, Tim Newth, and Jennifer Biddle, 2015 Milpirri: Jennifer Biddle in discussion with Tracks Dance Company. Cultural Studies Review, Vol 21 (1): 132-48. click to read
Jennifer Biddle and Lisa Stefanoff. 2015 What is Same but Different and why does it matter?, pp 98-101, Cultural Studies Review, volume 21 number 1. click to read
David McMicken and Tim Newth, 2011 Tracks Dance Company, pp 16-19, Ken Bartlett (ed), Animated, the community dance magazine, Foundation for Community Dance (UK). click to read
*Moya Sayer-Jones, 2008 Milpirri (interview with Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick and Tim Newth), pp 50-5, Vivienne Skinner (ed), Big Story Country - Great Arts Stories From Regional Australia, Regional Arts Australia. click to read
*Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, 2008 Performance as a Bridge that Joins the Ancient with the Modern, Ngoonjook, No. 2008: 53-80. click to read
Ashleigh Willson, 2008 Inspiration, pp 32-36, Rowena Stretton (ed), Mercedes Magazine Autumn, Hardie Grant Magazines for Mercedes- Benz Australia Pacific Pty Ltd. click to read
Janice McEwen, 2009 Milpirri giving new hope to the Tanami Desert, pp 24-25, Dance Forum Winter edition. click to read
Susan Spunner, 2005 Chasing Culture, pp 40-43, Cath Bowdler (ed), Artlink Vol 25 no 2, Visual Arts and Craft Strategy of Australian State and Territory Governments. click to read
Tim Newth and David McMicken, 2003 The getting of intercultural wisdom, pp 1-4, Realtime (April - May). click to read
Tim Newth. 2002 Drawing on Cultural Diversity, pp 04, Lowdown (Youth Arts). click to read
Satyagandhi, 2001 Creating Sacred Sites (interview with Tim Newth), pp 4-8, Satyagandhi (ed), Urthona Art and Buddhism, Shantigarbha and Ratnagarbha (UK). click to read
Hania Radvan, 2001 Tracks - Giving Voice To Territory Culture, pp 4-5, Jackie Halsey and Hania Radvan (ed), Territory Artifacts, NT Government. click to read
Mark Halton, 2009 Interview with Tim Newth and David McMicken, pp 29-34, Divercity NT, Vol 2. click to read
*Rosemary West, 1995 Rainstorm Dreaming, pp 11, The Age 02/12/95. click to read
Cristopher Brocklebank, 1995 Ripples, pp 18-20, Dedre Williams (ed), Artworks issue 28, Community Arts Network of SA. click to read
Jan Wositsky, 1995 Making Tracks, pp 28-31, Karen van Ulzen (ed), Dance Australia February/March. click to read
Susan Spunner, 1994 Drawing the Threads a profile of Tim Newth, pp 21-23, Belinda MacQuenn (ed), Low Down April Vol 16 No 2, Carclew Youth Art Centre. click to read
Susan Spunner, 1992 Slow but Sure, pp 21-23, Belinda MacQuenn (ed), Low Down October, Carclew Youth Art Centre. click to read
*Barbara Pitman, 1990 Towards the “Yapa Way”, pp 29-31, Stephanie Britton (ed), Artlink Vol 10 No 3, Visual Arts and Craft Strategy of Australian State and Territory Governments. click to read
Other Writing
Richard Watts, 2020, Artists in iso: David McMicken and Tim Newth, Tracks Dance Company, Arts Hub. click to read
*Yukihiro Doi, 2015 Milpirri at Lajamanu as an intercultural locus of Warlpiri discourses with other, Australian National University. (Thesis).
*2014 Milpirri Jarda-Warnpa, Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation. (Children's Book).
*Miles C. C. Holmes and Wanta (Stephen Patrick) Jampijinpa, 2013 “Law for Country: the Structure of Warlpiri Ecological Knowledge and Its Application to Natural Resource Management and Ecosystem Stewardship”, Ecology and Society 18(3): 19. click to read
*Cath South, 2014 “Milpirri shows that black or white, we must understand the country we walk on”. The Guardian - Australian Edition. click to read
*2012 Making Art - Artists in Remote Schools, Corrugated Iron Youth Arts. (Children's Book)
Josephine Daw, 2009, Beyond the Studio: The Creative Process in Local, Site-Related Dance. PhD Thesis. School of Communication and the Arts Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development Victoria University. click to read
*Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, Miles Holmes and (Lance) Alan Box, 2008 “Ngurra-kurlu a way of working with Warlpiri people”, Desert Knowledge CRC Report Number 41. click to read
Josephine Daw, 2007 Dance in the Field: a genealogical approach. pp 1-7, Cross-cultural dance seminar paper. School of Communication and the Arts Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development Victoria University. click to read
*Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, 2006 Milpirri - Address to the Garma Festival, pp 1-8. click to read
Sara Fonck, 2005 “Making Tracks” article for Australia Council website. click to read
Morris O'Riordan, 2003 Article and Interview with David McMicken and Tim Newth, ABC Online. click to read
Maggi Phillips, 1996 Landformed: An Image of Tim Newth. click to read
Jacqui Simmonds, 1997, A practitioner speaks: an interview with David McMicken, Ausdance National. click to read
Order of Credits: Author, Year, Article Name, Page Number, Editor, Book or Magazine, and Publisher