Milpirri Youth Dances
Explore by Kinship and Colour Groups
Search the Youth Dances by these four colour groups which reflect the Walpiri kinship system:
- Blue Group - Jampijinpa, Nampijinpa, Jangala and Nangala
- Green - Japanangka, Napanangka, Japangardi and Napangardi
- Yellow Group - Japaljarri, Napaljarri, Jungarrayi and Nungarrayi
- Red - Jupurrula, Napurrula, Jakamarra and Nakamarra
Explore by Milpirri Themes
The Milpirri youth dances are drawn from themes that come from the Adult dances. In this way, it shows the elders that the youth are interested in these Warlpiri values.