Lajamanu Milpirri

Donate to Tracks

Donate to Tracks

Support Future Tracks 

"Tracks is an Australian institution and the way the organisation nurture people to grow and reach their potential is amazing.  In growing and reaching their potential I also include the emotional, personal and mental journey a person (takes) through being part of Tracks. There is nothing like this organisation anywhere.  What we are able to contribute this time around is so small compared to the difference you make to people’s lives." - Anthony Burridge, Tracks Donor


Delighting Audiences

For almost 30 years Tracks Dance has been delighting audiences with award winning productions telling stories anchored in Darwin and the remote community of Lajamanu, stories unique by their location but also with universal resonance, stories of war, human values, impossible love, homecoming, migration, the ages of life and our deep connection with nature.

Tracks’ annual Darwin Festival creations and biennial Milpirri Festival reflect the company’s longstanding commitment to engage with community and support the development of arts workers and dance artists in the Northern Territory.

Philanthropy has become vital to Tracks financial sustainability. Our mission is to give voice to Northern Territory culture expressed through all members of the community with a passion for movement, from the young to the old, Aboriginal and multicultural. We rely on the generosity of our donors to ensure the next generations of our dance talent continue to be nurtured. In joining Tracks Giving Program, we invite you to be game changers for the many voices who wish to make dance a part of their life.

Bequests and Legacies

Making a bequest or leaving a legacy to Tracks Dance Company in your will means you will help support contemporary dance in the Northern Territory. There are many ways to make a bequest or leave a legacy and no matter which type of gift you make, please be assured that your gift will be used to develop the vision and activities of the company.

Why we need your support

Funds raised via our Donation Program go directly toward assisting Tracks to achieve its vision:

o Pursue excellence in every aspect of the company
o Create dance performance experiences that are relevant to the community, and more specifically to our priority groups
o Increase local participants’ skills to devise, create and present dance performance
o Develop and expand the professional and independent dance sector while providing unique Territorian opportunities
o Identify and support emerging and established dance artists including traditional and non-Western
o Provide opportunities for Alumni to return and work with Tracks in a professional capacity
o Explore working processes that further connect participants and audiences to their sense of self and the place where they live
o Introduce local and national professional dance practitioners into the Tracks philosophy
o Explore the role dance has as a whole-of-life activity

Thank You

We greatly thank our generous donors. To see the full list of Tracks' donors click here.

If you wish to speak with us in confidence about the options and opportunities available to you relating to a gift or bequest to Tracks Dance Company please email our Administrator Jocelyn Tribe or call us at the office (08) 8941 1410.

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.