Yankirri (Emu) - 2007, 2014, 2016
2007 Milpirri - Kurdiji
Yankirri (Emu)
Dance Story
Men with Women supporting.
The father emu tends to the chicks showing them the right way to grow up - how to find food, how to learn. The emu is the teacher and represents both the teacher and the taught.
From the Kurdiji ceremony.
Belonging to Skin Groups
Jangala, Jampijinpa, Nangala and Nampijinpa (Blue Group)
2014 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa
Yankirri (Emu)
Dance Story
The Emu looks around for food and finds Mundurru (yellow berries) on the bush. Humans can't eat them, only the Emu. The Mundurru Bush is in Centre
From the Jardiwanpa ceremony.
Belonging to Skin Groups
Jangala, Jampijinpa, Nangala and Nampijinpa (Blue Group)
2016 Milpirri - Kurdiji
Yankirri (Emu)
Dance Story
The Emu looks around for food and finds Mundurru (yellow berries) on the bush. Humans can't eat them, only the Emu. The Mundurru Bush is in Centre
From the Jardiwanpa ceremony.
Belonging to Skin Groups
Jangala, Jampijinpa, Nangala and Nampijinpa (Blue Group)