Wiringarri (Barn Owl) - 2014
2014 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa
Wiringarri (Barn Owl)
Dance Story
Men with Women supporting.
This is a light (open) version of this dance. The Wiringarri is a nighttime bird. The young Wiringarri go around following their parents, being taught how to fly. They go around following their parents. They make a circle and flap their new feathers and wings to make them strong. They try to take off but they not strong enough. This is a Ngajakula dance. The leaves represent the new feathers growing. Jampijinpa and Jupurrula are Kurdulangu (Managers) for this one.
Walya (Place)
Yinapaka (Lake Surprise)
Belonging to Skin Groups: Japaljarri, Jungarrayi, Napaljarri and Nungarrayi (Yellow Group)