Winyiwinypa (The Spotted Harrier) - 2021

Winyiwinypa (The Spotted Harrier) - 2021

2021 Milpirri - Yinapaka

Winyiwinypa (The Spotted Harrier) 

Description of Dance 

This dance tells the story of a lazy hunter who pretends he is hunting but hurts himself and returns to camp to be nurtured by all the other birds. When going hunting Winyiwinypa can bounce others out of Country but continues to get hurt and keeps returning to camp. A large circle is formed to represent everyone in camp. Long, slow arm movements symbolise wings that are healing. With upbeat music, more dynamic wing movements are introduced and Winyiwinya is trying to prove to the little birds that he is strong, a warrior, a fighter and a hunter. There are gestural movements to match these words in the soundtrack. The dancers walk to all four directions representing Winyawinpa exploring all hunting grounds. The dance culminates with everyone sitting in a circle, returning to camp to heal and returning to the original long, languid arm (wing) movements. 

*Milpirri 2021 was reimagined to suit the current COVID circumstances. The dance in this video is from a showing at Lajamanu school. They are not complete dances.


Original Choreography: Madeleine Brown 

Additional phrases: Stephanie Spillett, Bec Reid and David McMicken

2021 Photos

2021 Story

Winyiwinypa (Spotted Harrier) story as told by Steve Jampijinpa Patrick

Winyiwinypa said hey, I can teach you how to fly. I am the best fighter, I can drive out people. I can teach to fly and pounce on people who are trying to invade our hunting grounds. I can chase them off. I am a great warrior. But the birds said -yeah, but you have done that one but you tell lies. You have gone out hunting, people go hunting, and you come back all bloodied and you come back looking like you have been in a fight, and we nurse you back so your wounds can heal. 4 or 5 times you have done that before we found out. People would give you food because you were wounded and couldn’t go hunting yourself. But you were chasing another language group invading our hunting ground. But we found out you were deceiving us to get free food. Those wounds and broken weapons were broken by you. You are a lazy hunter. All the hard work that other people do, you live off. (Don’t loaf around, do your bit for community.)

Story from Pinja Outstation - (Spider Lake)

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.