Ngurlu (Seed) and Ngalikirri (Grinding Stone) - 2009, 2018

Ngurlu (Seed) and Ngalikirri (Grinding Stone) - 2009, 2018

2009 Milpirri - Jurntu

Ngurlu (Seed) and Ngalikirri (Grinding Stone)

Dance Story

They gather the seeds and put them in the parraju (coolomon). Then they grind them up and make mangarri (bread/damper/paste) and cook it on the fire. They eat the mangarri and get sick and vomit it all up.

There is a big mob of ngurlu everywhere, you can see that now.

Belonging to Skin Groups

Jupurrula, Jakamarra, Napurrurla and Nakamarra (Red Group)

2009 Photos

2009 Story

2018 Milpirri - Jurntu

Ngurlu (Seed) and Ngalikirri (Grinding Stone)

Dance Story

Taking the seed. Jakamarra steals the seeds. He is accused but says nothing except "I did not steal them". He takes the seeds and puts them everywhere, all over the place. You can see that seed everywhere.



Belonging to Skin Groups

Jupurrula, Jakamarra, Napurrurla and Nakamarra (Red Group)

2018 Photos

2018 Story

Youth Dance

In Milpirri 2018, the red group's theme of Justice was drawn from the Ngurlu (seed) songs where the restorative process of justice is represented by the grinding stone.

The grinding stone winnows the bad seed from the good, righting wrongs, and shaping and restoring balance.

If we do wrong by the law, justice will be done. It may hurt us, but justice can make a wrong thing right, and make a bad thing good.

2018 Milpirri (l-r) Thelonious Japaljarri Rose, Conway Jungarrayi Herbert, Keron Jakamarra Lawson, Alex Jupurrula Dixon. Photo Peter Eve.

Words of the Ngurlu (Seed) and Ngalikirri (Grinding Stone) song

Transcription of song sung in Milpirri 2009. 

Ngurlu ngka yurnkarli karlirla,
ngurlu ngka yurnkarli karlirla Ngurlujapa karna kani,
ngurlujapa karna kani

Carrying seeds with a coolamon in a large green country.
Going with a coolamon to the green country

Mangurlula japarna yiripirli yirlana,
mangurlula japarna yiripirli yirlana Purlijirri purlijirri yirlana,
purlijirri purlijirri yirlana

To make damper trace and gather seeds.
Put damper into fire to cook.

Milpirri 2009 (l-r) Yukihiro Doi. Photo Peter Eve

Source - Milpirri at Lajamanu as an intercultural locus of Warlpiri discourses with others. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University September 2015 Yukihiro Doi.

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

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Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.