Maripi, Ngiji? (Fire brands) - 2005
2005 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa
Maripi, Ngiji? (Fire brands)
Dance Story
Four elders representing all skin names, the four colour groups, light the fire. The songs says: Go the right way with the law, follow the law. If you go wrong then you will get burnt. I am here to follow the law. Someone in my group broke the law and now we are being punished.
From Jardiwanpa but also Kurdiji and Ngajakula. Palyikarra
Male Elders - Jerry Jangala Patrick, Joe Japanangka James, Dick Japaljarri Raymond and Teddy Jupurrula Morrison.
Note: the green men in the background are making up their own moves, not the right moves. But this is the first time they have seen this and they are just starting, still learning. Also, the jumping with the whooping sound gets out of beat, and should stay in time with the boomerang clapping.