Kulirra (South) Wind - 2012

Kulirra (South) Wind - 2012

2012 Milpirri - Pulyarani

Kulirra (South) Wind 

Description of Dance

The south wind belongs to the red group (Napurrula, Jupurrula, Nakamarra, Jakamarra). Nick has created a dance using classic hip hop moves in a routine that is strongly rhythmical, and uses unison and canons. 


Nick (Japanangka) Power with Caleb Japanangka Patrick

2012 -Photos

2012 - Story

Tracks Dance Team

Kelly (Napurrula) Beneforti - Milpirri 2014. Photo Peter Eve

Kelly (Napurrula) Beneforti

"My first experience of Milpirri was in 2009. I was taking a year off from University and had been involved in a few Tracks projects, such as the Festival show that year. I got this inkling that there was something else going on at Tracks that I didn't know about, like a special doorway that I hadn't walked through yet. I asked if I could be part of it, and the Company gave me a spare spot on the charter flight to Lajamanu to see the performance. It was like a kaleidoscope exploded in front of me; everything was so new and intense and challenged a lot about how I had experienced dance up until that point." 

Story / Photo

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.