Karnka (The Crow) - 2021
2021 Milpirri - Yinapaka
Karnka (The Crow)
Description of Dance
This dance tells the story of the clever, smart, cunning, and strong Crow convincing the little birds that he’s their right teacher. The Crow is untrustworthy, he tricks and manipulates. This is related to a Crow story of stealing a dog and its owner, a girl/woman of wrong skin. The movements are full of swagger (small pop and locks), symbolise warming up the wings and that Crow can bend its wings to be a better flier. Two lines are formed with the front line kneeling down the reveal a very confident backline of Crows. Gestural movements declare that the Crow is the best and the front line representing the little birds then copy this movement. The movements have repetition enforce the broken record that is the Crow. The little birds aren’t convinced. The fast rolling hand movements is the little birds saying “Crow doesn’t have our trust.”
*Milpirri 2021 was reimagined to suit the current COVID circumstances. The dance in this video is from a showing at Lajamanu school. They are not complete dances.
Stephanie Spillett, Bec Reid and David McMicken