Justice - 2009, 2018
2009 Milpirri - Jurntu
Justice Dance - Boys
Dance Story
Spread Out. Tutting. Duos. Contact. Revisiting the justice motif of falling to the ground, and then retrograde/reversing the choreography. Long line up. Mirroring. Dancing freestyle. Solo. Dancing circle (half a cypher), passing the energy, popping and locking. Teamwork, Lifting Boys up literally x 3, Mickey MJ style solo, with other boys in a circle lying on the ground. Running in a circle. Exit. Meanings and Concepts are similar to previous Justice red group artefact dance - if something goes wrong, then justice can be served and the person is accepted back into the tribe
Nick (Japanangka) Power with Caleb Japanangka Patrick
2009 Milpirri - Jurntu
Justice Dance - Girls
Dance Story
Justice red group girls dance. if something goes wrong, justice brings things back into alignment, accepting the person back into society. In this dance all the colour groups are involved. Through walking patterns, and pairs peeling off, two lines facing each other. Into a dancing line facing the audience. Canon on the shoulder, justice motif of being accepted. Arm circles. Dance break with a more physical routine. Walking in a circle. Seated leaning side to side / Teamwork. Canon to stand up. Exit.
Jenelle (Nakamarra) Saunders
2009 Milpirri - Jurntu
Artefact Dance - Spear and Coolamon
Dance Story
Justice is all about bringing society back to balance; getting back on track, easing tension, moving forward, being accepted back. 4 skin groups are shown in pairs, standing in diagonal lines, strong stance. Backs are turned to a young man who has done the wrong thing? He is facing the pairs one at a time, and they are turning their backs on him. Justice moment happens with Red group, holding the artefacts, and after a gestural moment of falling to the ground, and standing back up on his feet, Caleb then joins all others in a dancing line, accepted back into the community. The dancing line is a short team choreography, with a canon and leaning on each other’s shoulders for support.
Nick (Japananka) Power, Jenelle (Nakamarra) Saunders, Jess (Napangardi) Devereux and Caleb Japanangka Patrick
2018 Milpirri - Jurntu
Justice Dance - Restoring the Balance
Dance Story
This dance is inspired by the lyrics of the song, which tells the story of a group of young people who disobey the law until it catches up with them and helps them to return to balance in their community.
The boys dance first, using actions that reference stealing a car and heading out bush. The girls dance then, continuing the story as the car breaks down and the young people find themselves left in the darkness of the bush. The dancers huddle together, scared and alone.
The red group enters representing the Law chasing after the wrong-doers. Their actions are sharp and angular, taking qualities from the black-headed spear. They make a circle around the dancers, showing that they cannot escape the law. Then the red group make two lines, which reflect the story of the Quoll who carries the Sky on his back and the Earth on his front. The young people who started the dance by stealing a car, finish this section by copying the actions of the red group, learning from the Law.
In the final part of the dance, the group of youngsters show that they have found balance again. The dance alternates between the girls and the boys reflecting the importance of both elements. They finish by connecting with each other to represent harmonious relationships in the community.
Kelly (Napurrula) Beneforti with Aaron (Jangala) Lim