Jintanka (Unity) - 2005, 2007, 2014, 2016

Jintanka (Unity) - 2005, 2007, 2014, 2016

2005 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa 

Jintanka (Unity)/Working Together

Dance Story

From the Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)  Jukurrpa (Dreaming), the Wampana and Yankirri (Emu) travelled together. This dance speaks to working together and Jintangka (Unity). For this dance, we chose to try and do things that we could only do if we worked together, such as partner work, counterbalances and supports.


David (Japaljarri) McMicken, Jessica (Nangala) Rosewarne

2005 - Photos

2005 - Story

2007 Milpirri - Kurdiji 

Jintanka (Unity)/Working Together

Dance Story

From the Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)  Jukurrpa (Dreaming), the story is about the unity that comes from working together. The dancers have to work closely together to create a unified dance. This dance draws heavily on unison moves


Nick (Japananka) Power

2007 - Photos

2007 - Story

2014 Milpirri - Jarda Warnpa 

Jintanka (Unity)/Working Together

Dance Story

From the Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)  Jukurrpa (Dreaming) story. Grow Strong, help each other, stick together, work together. This dance shows the benefits of really working together to achieve far more than you can do by yourself. The dance moves from unison, through canon forms, and various patterns that will only look good if everyone does their bit to stick together.


Nick (Japanangka) Power, assisted by Caleb Japanangka Patrick

2014 - Photos

2014 - Story

2016 Milpirri - Kurdiji

Jintanka (Unity)/Stick Together

Dance Story

From the Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)  Jukurrpa (Dreaming) story. The focus of this dance is working together in a system. The interlocking section only works when all the dancers work together in a system. The piece where two dancers paint the picture of throwing a ball over two colour groups only works when all the dancers follow the imaginary ball.


Aaron (Jangala) Lim

2016 - Photos

2016 - Story

Wampana story as told by Steve Jampijinpa Patrick

Tracks Dance Company Darwin Northern Territory Australia Performing Arts Lajamanu
Milpirri 2018 (l-r) Waylon Jungarrayi Hudson and Steve Jampijinpa Patrick. Photo Peter Eve

"A group of wallabies, “Wampana”, was heading north from Warlpiri country. On the way they joined paths with an emu, who travelled alongside them, dancing with them along the way. The wallabies and the emu helped each other get where they were going, moving together in the same direction. The bond between the wallabies and the emu grew very strong, similar to the bond between mother and child - “Kurdungurlu” - which is an eternal and sacred bond that cannot be broken.

Eventually, the emu had to leave the wallabies to travel west. But both the emu and the wallabies felt strong and confident moving in their own direction, because of the time they had spent together and the bond that they had formed.

It is important to remember that we all have others helping us, teaching us, looking after us. So too there are others we must help, teach and look after. It is the responsibility of one to care for the other. Just as the mother cares for the child, the child must grow up and care for the mother.

If we help each other and care for one another, we grow strong. We can achieve more together than we can by ourselves. We can work together to achieve our common goals."

Men's and Women's Dance

The dances performed by the youth explore themes that are drawn from the same ceremonial concepts that are seen in the adult dances. See the men's Wampana dance is often supported by women.

2016 Milpirri Themes and Song Lyrics

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.