Jardiwanpa (Finale) Dances - 2014, 2016

Jardiwanpa (Finale) Dances - 2014, 2016

2014 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa

Jardiwanpa Dance

Dance Story 

Men's dance supported by women

Celebrating each other by jumping. The Yankirri (Emu) and the Wampana (Spectacle Hare Wallaby) started jumping up and down when they saw each other. This is the country dancing people, a summer ceremony.

Palyikarra - from the Jardiwanpa Ceremony. This leads into Yarrirdi Yarridi (Burning Poles)

Belonging to Skin Groups

Jangala, Nangala, Jampijinpa and  Nampijinpa (Blue Group), Japaljarri, Napaljarri, Jungarrayi and Nungarrayi (Yellow Group), Jupurrula, Napurrula, Jakamarra and Nakamarra (Red Group) and Japangardi, Napangardi, Japanangka and Napanangka (Green Group)

2014 Photos

2014 Story

2016 Milpirri - Kurdiji

Jardiwanpa Dance

Dance Story 

Men's dance supported by women

Celebrating each other by jumping. The emu and the Wampana started jumping up and down when they saw each other. This is the country dancing people, a summer ceremony.

From the Kurdiji Ceremony. Starts with men dancing together and then followed by the four womens groups: Mina Mina digging stick (green women), Wampana (red women), Ngapa (blue Women), and Ngatijirri (yellow women)

Belonging to Skin Groups

Jangala, Nangala, Jampijinpa and  Nampijinpa (Blue Group), Japaljarri, Napaljarri, Jungarrayi and Nungarrayi (Yellow Group), Jupurrula, Napurrula, Jakamarra and Nakamarra (Red Group) and Japangardi, Napangardi, Japanangka and Napanangka (Green Group)

2016 Photos

2016 Story

Photos of Jardiwanpa Ceremony

Ludo Kuipers lived in lajamanu in the 70's, he took many photos of community life.

Photographs of Jardiwanpa Ceremony - from ozoutback.com.au. a website by Photographer Ludo Kuipers.


Warlpiri Fire Ceremony

Read articail by Georgia Curren

Oceana - On Line library ‘Waiting for Jardiwanpa’: History and Mediation in Warlpiri Fire Ceremonies - Georgia Curren. First published: 15 January 2019.


Youth Dance

See Milpirri Youth versions of Jardiwanpa

Milpirri 2009. Photo Peter Eve

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.