Introduction and Manyi Manyi (Rememberance) - All Years
2005 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa
Spoken Introduction
The voiceover, spoken by Steve Jampijinpa Patrick and (Lance) Alan Box, explain the themes of this year's Milpirri performance. On this video, some images and text have been overlaid by the video editor.
2007 Milpirri - Kurdiji
Spoken Introduction
The voiceover, spoken by Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, explains themes of this year's Milpirri performance. On this video, some images and text have been overlaid by the video editor.
2009 Milpirri - Jurntu
Spoken Introduction
The voiceover, spoken by Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, explains themes of this year's Milpirri performance. On this video, some images and text have been overlaid by the video editor.
2012 Milpirri - Pulyaranyi
Introduction and Welcome
The voiceover is spoken by Jerry Jangala and Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, both weloming and explaining themes of this year's Milpirri performance. On this video, some images and text have been overlaid by the video editor.
2014 Milpirri - Jardiwanpa
Introduction and Manyi Manyi (Remembrance)
All cast, members of the community and audience.
The community remembers those that have passed, by offering one minute's silence, holding fire sticks in front of family banners, and then brushing the banners with leaves - this is Manyi Manyi, remembrance.
Voiceover spoken by Sean Japanangka Johnson and Andrew Japanangka Johnson.
2016 Milpirri - Kurdiji
Introduction and Manyi Manyi (Remembrance)
All cast, members of the community and audience.
The community remembers those that have passed, by brushing the banners with leaves and then holding fire sticks in front of the family banners. Introduction and welcome to Milpirri 2012 spoken in Warlpiri. This year’s Milpirri is drawn from the values found in the Kurdiji Ceremony, the transition from child to adult, from ‘milk learning to meat learning’.
Voiceover is spoken by Jerry Jangala Patrick.
2018 Milpirri - Jurntu
Introduction, Welcome and Manyi Manyi (Remembrance)
All cast, members of the community and audience.
The community remembers those that have passed, by brushing the banners with leaves. Milpirri 2018 draws its ideas from the Warlpiri ceremony (the Jurntu Purlapa) which teaches about law and justice.
Voiceover is spoken by Jerry Jangala Patrick and Steve Jampijinpa Patrick.