Meet the 2019 Choreographic Program Participants

Meet the 2019 Choreographic Program Participants

Welcome to our 2019 Choreographic Program participants:
Mim Ellen-Barwell, Cassandra Wallace, Bryn Wackett, CJ Fraser-Bell, Lucy Found, Sheila Rose, Anokai Susi, Maari Gray and Kyle Walmsley.

What does being a part of the Choreographic Program mean to you?

"A unique opportunity to expand movement knowledge within yourself and from places that may not be so obvious" - Anokai Susi

"Confronting my impending fear of a re emergence and repeat performance of my first memory of dance which still cloaks my inner child.... facing it with an ever oscillating determination to risk both vulnerability and perceived failure in order to overcome and venture" - Maari Gray

"Connection, learning, expansion" - Lucy Found

"It has been juicy, zesty, vibrational, sweaty, connecting and joyous. The exercise of creativity each week has reformed my relationship with dance, has reinvigorated my theatre practice and consistently been the highlight of my week. I have such gratitude and love for Darwin, for Tracks, for Jess and Kelly in the space they've created" - Kyle Walmsley

"Gosh, it feels like a coming together of wonderfully diverse folk who carry their own story, movement, ways of being in this place and smooshing us all together like a pack of random ingredients, where we get to mix 'n' match and taste the different flavour combinations..." - Bryn Wackett

"The Choreography Program is such a meaningful and rare opportunity to express myself in dance in a truly supportive environment. I relish the chance to engage with such inspiring dancers, and I am humbled by their generosity and brilliance" - Cassandra Wallace

"I think to me, the Choreo Program has meant an exploration of the freedom I feel when dancing. While dancing I am nothing but myself, whatever that means at that particular moment. Not only that, but the program has generated creativity in my day to day life; I am constantly creatively inspired while just living as I do each day. This has been wonderful, and because of it I have developed in my dance work and in my personal character. The program has also just been fun, and sometimes it's nice to have fun just for the sake of it" - Mim Ellen-Barwell

"Growth and enrichment of my mind, spirit and body" - Sheila Rose

"It's everything I love about making and exploring art in Darwin, a group of people from different places, skill levels, experience and ages coming together to try things in a safe, supportive, and deeply generous space. We're damn lucky" - Cj Fraser-Bell


Tickets to the Showing & Artist talks are available to purchase.
Nov 23 & 24 - 4 showings only
Tracks Studio

Read more about the 2019 Tracks Choreographic Program.

2019 Choreographic Program, Photo: Jess Devereux
2019 Choreographic Program, Photo: Jess Devereux
2019 Choreographic Program, Photo: Duane Preston

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.