Zombies in the Banyan Tree

Zombies in the Banyan Tree


    George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens, Darwin City

    August 9 - 13, 16 - 20, 2013
    Darwin Festival

    A Tracks dance show grows from living in this place. We like to shine the spotlight on our contemporary culture and reflect back on what it means to be a Northern Territorian today, especially in a much wider Australian context. We like to rejoice in our differences.


    So why Zombies? Significant interest in the supernatural has often foreshadowed times of fast social change. Nowadays, there are many who believe the technological era is leading us towards becoming like the “Living Dead”, less full of our own life forces and disconnected from our real world. Darwin is certainly in a time of great change.

    Banyan Tree

    The Banyan tree? Bali is one of our closest neighbours and their culture has had a strong influence on Darwin. In Bali minor deities, nature spirits and celestial musicians are believed to dwell in the sacred Banyan tree. Ghosts and demons are associated with its trunk and branches. It has its roots reaching upwards and its branches reaching down, representing a balance of opposites. Balinese dress this tree in checked cloth. It was a small leap of imagination to see that in our story we need not be afraid of the new, nor mindlessly adhere to the old, but rather be constantly vigilant to the multitude of possibilities and make the appropriate choices and offerings.

    Mix of Australian contemporary and Balinese influences

    We have brought together an array of artists to collaborate in the creation of a classic story of two apparently opposite forces who go to battle, upsetting a natural balance of coexistence, (very loosely based on the classic Hindu story of the Ramayana). In an epic clash between “the Butterflies” of the air and “the Demons” of the underground, we pit two opposing styles of movement. One derives from street styles and brings together break dancers, including members of the D*City Rockers, to work alongside Sydney-based choreographer Nick Power.

    Contrasting this is the modern mix of contemporary and Balinese influences. Choreographer Jess Devereux has worked alongside dancer and Balinese cultural leader Desak Putu Warti. Together, with a strong and diverse group of contemporary and cultural dancers, they make an exciting statement about the diverse physical skill set that a Darwin dancer often holds.

    A rich texture and balance for this experience is provided by the live sound score. Based on a Balinese performance style of chanting and dancing developed in the late 20s and early 30s using the sounds of cock-fighting developed into a complex chant, we have our locally produced “Kecak” movement choir. The choir is led by guest Balinese musician, I Dewa Putu Sudiantara, who has collaborated with local musicians Megan Atfield and Desak Putu Warti. Then we add the sounds and extraordinary talents of local Beat-Boxer K-Fuzz, creating an excitingly original rhythmical mix.

    David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Creative Personnel

    Concept and Direction: David McMicken, Tim Newth
    Choreographers: Desak Putu Warti, Jessica Devereux, Nick Power and David McMicken
    Musicians: I Dewa Putu Sudiantara (Bali), Megan Atfield, Desak Putu Warti, and Michael Koufos (K-Fuzz)
    We thank the cast for their creative and personal input into the entire making of this work
    Design: Tim Newth
    Costumes: Ann Gibb

    Production and Promotions Personnel

    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Stage Manager: Katie Boyd
    Deputy Stage Manager: CJ Fraser Bell
    Assistant Stage Manager: Katie Ciesiolka
    Lighting and Sound Design, Install and Operation: Dreamedia
    Stage Construction: Correctional Services Work Parties
    Promotions/Publicity: Gail Evans, Susan Congreve
    Head Steward: Charlie Marengo
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Graphic Design: Narelle Sullivan
    Advertisement /Film Documentation: Todd Williams
    Photographic Documentation: Jess Devereux



    Anokai Lancaster, Keely Sheppard, Kristi Renfrey, Lauren French, Stephanie Heazlewood, Venaska Cheliah, Wati Kerta


    Aaron Lim, Andy Lay, Caleb Japanangka Patrick, Flavio Jong, Jake Kunde, Madeleine Brown, Mitchell Aldridge

    Kecak Dance Choir

    I Dewa Putu Sudiantara (Soma), Glenn Bernardin, Thevi Chelliah, Emma Fitzsimons, Darryl Butler, Mikiah Lawrence, David Andrews, Damien Murray, Ketut Kamar, Anthony Burridge, Lenny, Ita Haristawati, Jessica Gibb, Phaik See Gnoh, Kylie Innes, Carolyn McLennan, Kelly Beneforti, Desak Putu Warti and Megan Atfield


    Michael Koufos (K-Fuzz)


    Daily Offerings

    A Balanced World - Coexistence of Difference

    Butterfly Solo
    Demon Solo
    Butterflies of the Air
    Demons of the Underground
    Butterflies in a Field of Flowers

    Demons Kidnap Butterfly Princess

    Sadness Solo – Butterfly Princess
    Finding the Broken Wings 

    Revenge Battle - Butterflies and Demons

    Zombie Conversion 1
    Seduction Battle - Butterflies and Demons
    Zombie Conversion 2

    Retaliation Battle - Butterflies and Demons
    Zombie Conversion 3
    Zombie Apocalypse

    Transformation - Princess to Goddess

    Restoring a Balanced World

    Thank You

    Ian Kew, Darwin International Airport, Meriel Corbett-Weir Creative Partnerships Australia, Allora Gardens Nursery and Estelle Cornell, Wormald, Darwin Festival, Darwin Correctional Services and James Shaw, Dreamedia, Julie Blyth, Nigel Walsh, Sharon and The George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens, Toll Marine Logistics, WACO Quickform, TFH, Palm Springs, Venaska Cheliah, Aaron Lim, Andy Lay, Mitchell Aldridge, Elliot Calwell-Ferguson, Michael Loughhead, Sally Crawford, Mary Cunningham, Marg Dorman, Matilda Dorman, Fiona Fergusson, Mary Fox, Rebecca French, Henry Harper, Shirley Harper, Dan Herbison, Dale Howard, Dixi Joy, Charlie Marengo, Jenny Milne, Jenni Sanderson, Lyn Sheppard, Jenni Sykes, Moira Stronach, Melanie Tribe, Bryn Wackett, Ciella Williams and to all the B Grade Zombie movies ever made.

    Tracks would also like to thank the following for their generous donations given to support this project: Brian Tucker, Don Whyte, Katrina Fong Lim, Nicole Cridland, Xana Kamitsis, Virginia Burrow, Noya Chong Wah, Darryl Butler, Graeme Cheater, Barbara Pitman, Sally-Anne Mason, Joanne Hilliard, J.L Hills, Roslyn Henry, Heather Hyde and Barry Thomson.


    Darwin International Airport, Dreamedia, Southern Cross TV, Brian Tucker, Eddie Willoughby-Smith

    Funding Bodies

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Tracks 2013

    Co-Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Susan Congreve
    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Dance Animateur: Jessica Devereux
    Administrator: Gail Evans
    Bookkeeper: Heather Van Anholt

    Committee Members: (Chair) Michael Grant, (Vice-Chair) David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Nick Papandonakis, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Liz Trevaskis, Stephanie Cvirn, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Ippei Okazaki

    Patron: Her Honour the Honourable Sally Thomas AM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: I Dewa Putu Sudiantara.
    Photo: Jess Devereux Top l-r: Megan Atfield, David Andrews, Kylie Innes, Carolyn McLennan, Glenn Bernardin, Kelly Beneforti, Emma Fitzsimons. Centre: Kristi Renfrey. Bottom l-r: I Dewa Putu Sudiantara, Anthony Burridge, Phaik See Gnoh, Darryl Butler, Ita Haristawati.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Aaron Lim.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Anokai Lancaster, Keely Sheppard, Stephanie Heazlewood.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Top l-r: Ita Haristawati, Darryl Butler, Phaik See Gnoh, Anthony Burridge, I Dewa Putu Sudiantara, Megan Atfield, David Andrews, Kylie Innes, Carolyn McLennan, Glenn Bernardin. Bottom l-r: Mikiah Lawrence, Desak Putu Warti, Lenny, Thevi Chelliah, Ketut Kamar, Damien Murray, Jessica Gibb, Emma Fitzsimons, Kelly Beneforti. Centre: Wati Kerta.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Stephanie Heazlewood, Anokai Lancaster, Keely Sheppard, Flavio Jong, Caleb Patrick, Lauren French, Kristi Renfrey.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Centre: Desak Putu Warti
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Centre: Venaska Cheliah
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Stephanie Heazlewood, Anokai Lancaster, Kristi Renfrey, Wati Kerta, Lauren French.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Aaron Lim, Flavio Jong, Mitchell Aldridge.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Centre: Michael Koufos (K-Fuzz)
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Top l-r: Aaron Lim, Kelly Beneforti. Bottom: Andy Lay
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Anokai Lancaster, Kristi Renfrey, Lauren French, Andy Lay, Aaron Lim.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Top l-r: Zombies, Venaska Cheliah (cage). Bottom l-r: Mikiah Lawrence, Ita Haristawati, Darryl Butler, Phaik See Gnoh, Anthony Burridge, I Dewa Putu Sudiantara, Megan Atfield, David Andrews, Kylie Innes, Carolyn McLennan, Glenn Bernardin, Kelly Beneforti, Emma Fitzsimons, Jessica Gibb, Damien Murray, Ketut Kamar, Thevi Chelliah.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Top l-r: Anokai Lancaster, Madeleine Brown, Wati Kerta, Stephanie Heazlewood, Caleb Patrick, Mitchell Aldridge, Keely Sheppard, Lauren French. Bottom l-r: Flavio Jong, Jake Kunde, Andy Lay.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. l-r: Andy Lay, Mitchell Aldridge.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Top l-r: Damien Murray, Venaska Cheliah. Bottom: l-r: Kristi Renfrey, Aaron Lim.
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Left Top: Wati Kerta, Kristi Renfrey, Stephanie Heazlewood. Left Bottom: Keely Sheppard, Lauren French, Anokai Lancaster. Centre: Venaska Cheliah. Circle: Carolyn McLennan, Glenn Bernardin, Kelly Beneforti, Emma Fitzsimons, Jessica Gibb, Damien Murray, Ketut Kamar, Thevi Chelliah, Lenny, Desak Putu Warti, Mikiah Lawrence, Ita Haristawati, Darryl Butler, Phaik See Gnoh, Anthony Burridge, I Dewa Putu Sudiantara, Megan Atfield, David Andrews, Kylie Innes. Right: Caleb Patrick, Andy Lay, Flavio Jong, Jake Kunde, Madeleine Brown, Mitchell Aldridge, Aaron Lim.

    Explore Further

    Iconic Tracks Works

    Eras of Youth Dance

    A Culturally Diverse Voice

    Cast Highlights

    “I loved the dancers, seeing them transform into something else, Aaron growling, Venaska’s scream and the hairs going up. Andy would change in front of me, and especially one night when I gave the crown to Venaska she had totally transformed, you could see it in her eyes.”

    “I loved the group togetherness.”

    “My kids saw me dance and saw that their mum can do more than just go to work.”

    “Kristy and Aaron, seeing them grow as performers, it gives me inspiration.”

    “I was told since being born that I had no rhythm and I am uncoordinated – I learned how to listen to the sounds and to coordinate with them.”

    “The silence of the crowd.”

    “I worked together with other people from many different backgrounds.”

    “The diversity of participants  - The openness and warmth of the process.”

    “Watching Jess Devereux grow as a choreographer, how she employs different dance forms, she has such a passion for dance.”

    “Nick Power inspires the D*City rockers to be better, more focussed. It is good that Tracks brings him up for our own [Hip Hop] culture. “

    “This project has extended my beatboxing skill set by making me learn how to create a structured and rehearsed musical score, whereas prior to this my performance has always been improvised.”

    “The experience confirmed for me that I do love to work with creative people in a collaborative way and that I love performing. Being part of a creative process was really satisfying.”

    “The show reflected the multiculturalism that is strongly a part of Darwin's culture and the necessity of embracing that multiculturalism.  There is quite a lot to the show that speaks of working together and getting along with our differences.”

    Cast Challenges

    “Tackling Balinese dancing, it was pretty tricky because of the attention to detail and the millions of other things you have to think about.”

    “Time. My kids missing their mum. I had to set my boundaries to my kids.”

    “Not believing in myself, having not danced for 22 years.”

    “Kecak was always hard.”

    Audience Responses

    “Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.” Judy McKerr

    “I didn't want it to end.”  Brian Tucker

    “Best production in the Festival.”  Robbie Hoad (aka Barry Brown)

    “ … a real gutsy achievement. The beatboxing and the kecak seemed to complement each other seamlessly. The choreography was terrific.”  Bindi Isis

    "What a great show. A highlight of the Darwin Festival program." Discovering Darwin

    Media Responses

    “ … fierce and electric.” Kyle Walmsley - Real Time Writing Workshop

    “Moments of this performance will remain with me: Putu’s wailing lament drew a bleak yet beautiful image, the vocal flexibility of K-Fuzz sustained the performance and Zombies Under the Banyan Tree’s artistic prompt reminded me just how culturally rich this community I live in really is.” Fiona Carter – Real Time Writing Workshop

    “K Fuzz … revealed an incredible sonic range—evoking everything from the cracking of zombie skeletons to the synthesizer of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” and every beat in between. This live accompaniment brought another very real and present anchor to the action—and all done through the sounds made by the musician’s mouth, microphone and looping. Howling winds were precisely managed and every pop, squelch and plosive was expertly timed alongside the action.” Kyle Walmsley - Real Time Writing Workshop

    View Links

    ABC Radio National interview - By Sally Mason

    ABC TV Stateline Report - ABC Stateline August 16, 2013


    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.