Wild Things - Angurugu Residency - co production
Angurugu, Groote Eylandt
June 1997
Collaboration between Tracks, Brown's Mart, Corrugated Iron Youth Theatre, Drum Drum, Angurugu Community Council, Angurugu Community School, Digitarts.
Wild Things was the second part of a project begun in 1993 (Totems). The artists worked with young people at risk to create a full-length community show that included dance, design, costume making and music. More than 100 young people performed with pride and confidence to the community audience.
Creative Personnel
Directors: Tim Newth, David McMicken and Susan Ditter
Musical Director: Airi Ingram
Organisations: Tracks Dance, Corrugated Iron Youth Arts, Angurugu Community Education Centre, Groote Eylandt Community Council, Digitarts
Tracks Dance 1997
Co-Artistic Directors: Sarah Calver, David McMicken, Tim Newth
Administrator: Liann Stevenson
[Under Brown's Mart Community Arts – Executive Officer Ken Conway]