


    Gurambai Walking Trail - Woodland Loop, Marrara, Darwin

    July 31 (Preview), August 5 - 7 & 12 - 14, 2016
    Darwin Festival

    “We ask that you tread softly on Mother Earth while you are here.”

    Bilawara Lee - Larrakia Elder


    Landed explores sources of wisdom, through the experiences of three different characters arriving back home in Darwin after being away for some time. 

    Set in the dry Marrara Swamp at the source of Rapid Creek, the audience experiences the journey as they are guided around the Gurambai walking trail. Landed is a full-length dance work embedded in the local landscape.

    Watch the full performance of Landed 

    Take a look behind the scenes of our photoshoot for Landed

    Directors Notes

    Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of insecurity in the arts and cultural sector. As makers of local dance performances, we found ourselves asking “Where do we look for wisdom in times like this?” In this time of rich and consuming information, how can we turn this into real knowledge, and how do we find the time and place to let this knowledge evolve into true wisdom?

    Living in this distinctive part of Australia we are constantly affected by the vastness of our landscape, the extremes of our weather, the fullness of the cultural diversity found here, and our links to our Indigenous people and knowledge. We often look to parallels as found in nature, such as: nurturing the fragility of local plants and animals, being sensitive to slight changes, absorbing the ‘oldness’ of the land, and giving in to the weather.

    Darwin has a way of forcing you to let go. The idea of being open to listening to this land seemed a relevant and important part of understanding who we are as interconnected people living here.

    In the performance of Landed, we follow three different characters, all of whom grew up in Darwin, left to seek greener fields, and are drawn back to this place. They have to re-adjust to the extremes here, and in doing so they take another step on their pathway to knowing. One travels from a place of reading books to learning to read her environment. One transforms his high-flying big-city activism and energy, to being reminded by his country of the power in his grounded self. The third character finds her well-travelled and confident self submerged in a world that confronts her excess until she finds a way to float freely.

    David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Creative Team

    Concept and Direction: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    Choreography: Gary Lang (guest), Kelly Beneforti, Aaron Lim (Tracks 2016 mentoree), David McMicken, Tim Newth and dancers
    Choreographic Assistant to Kelly Beneforti: Will Nery
    Production Design: Tim Newth
    Tee Shirt Design: Isaiah Balcombe
    Original Music: David McMicken
    Sound Mastering: Matt Cunliffe
    Cello – Improvisation and Bach Sarabande from Cello Suite No 2 in D Minor BWV 1008: Rebecca Harris
    “Speak to the Land”: Composed and arranged by Matt Cunliffe with lyrics and vocals by Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick


    Lead Dancers

    Vera Tabuzo, Kelly Beneforti and Darren Edwards

    Break Dancers

    Aaron Lim, John Rigas, Kyle Ramboyong

    Tracks Ensemble

    Harry Balaj, Leanne Eltagonde, Merlene Hutt, Clarissa Kennedy-Scott, Taleisha Kessell, Ashlee Kirkham, Kate Mornane, Kyle Ramboyong, Kristi Renfrey, Tara Schmidt, Jenelle Saunders, Emma Poole

    Casuarina Senior College

    Piodena Sulong, Vicki Nguyen, Ervin Polinio, Katherine Rideout, Bethany White, Allen Villa, Aga Manulid, Don Ofiaza MacKenzie, Jemma Stanley, Michelle Long

    Millner Primary School

    Marilyn Gurruwiwi, Keilani Rotumah, Kupe Potaka, Shakur Petterson, Sophie Finden, Daisy Wesley, Harini Bitla, Tikki Gohier, Gabrielle Vanweydeveld, Eden McCosh, Bianca Barberis, Jazley Bruce-Morich, Miggy Maduro, Fletcher Anderson, Yaseen Ursani, Kean Nabua, Mia Lay and Yvonne Rankin

    Production and Promotion Personnel

    Production Manager: Angus Robson
    Stage Manager: CJ Fraser Bell
    Production Assistants: Kadek Hobman and Lesley Alford
    Promotion/Media: Agnès Michelet and Clancy Breasley
    Front of House Manager: Noya Chong Wah
    Head Steward: Sally Crawford
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Graphic Design: Narelle Sullivan
    Advertisement/Video Documentation: Dreamedia
    Camera: Luci Caldwell, Ben Krug, Talea Pattemore
    Video Editing: Jean-Eddy Moutou
    Photographic Documentation: David Hancock


    Human Wisdoms (seated)

    Just Landed – Break, Ensemble and Lead dancers
    Mosquitoes – Millner Primary School

    Nature’s Wisdoms (Gurambai Walking Trail)

    Plants and Animals – Millner Primary School
    Earth – Ensemble
    Water – Casuarina Senior College


    Listening to the land and each other – Full cast

    Thank you

    Ian Kew, Claire Eltringham and Darwin International Airport staff, Merv Pringle, Lesley Alford, Michael Schmid, Rhett Nothling, Kerrie Perkins, Catherine Baylis, Shandell Mcandrew, Marita Smith, Paul Mathews, Qantas, Just Looking Boutique, Darwin Correctional Services, Palm Springs, Furry Godmother Pet Resort, Tony Allen and the Rotary Club of Darwin North, Darwin Festival staff, Veg North, Emily Dienhoff and the Mercure Darwin Airport Resort, Mathew McHugh, Marg Lee, Pat O’Neill, Lizzi Web, Jenny Dowling La Cucina Sotto le Stelle, Box Jellyfish, Abby Shepherd, Giovani Maduro, Elspeth Hurse, Warwick Peter-Budge, Guilia Elliot-Hall, Jill Malseed, Antonietta Vanzella, Clare Scarce, Dale Howard, Darryl Butler, David Taylor, Jade Kimm, Janine Sutter, Jenni Sanderson, Kath McMicken, Krissy Magee, Mary Magee, Marg Dorman, Melanie Tribe, Natalie Hafsteins, Penny Paton, Thevi Chelliah, Wati Kerta.


    Darwin International Airport, Southern Cross TV

    Government Partners

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Project Partner

    Darwin Festival

    Tracks 2016

    Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Agnès Michelet
    Administrator: Clancy Breasley
    Production Manager: Mathew McHugh
    Dance Animateur: Kelly Beneforti
    Bookkeeper: Noya Chong Wah

    Committee Members: Mary Durack (Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Michael Grant, David Taylor, Ken Conway, Stephanie Cvirn, Venaska Cheliah. David McMicken, Tim Newth, Agnès Michelet (Ex-Officio Members)

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Ippei Okazaki

    Patron: His Honour, The Honourable John Hardy OAM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kyle Ramboyong, John Rigas, Aaron Lim, Tara Schmidt, Leanne Eltagonde, Emma Poole, Kate Mornane
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Tara Schmidt, Leanne Eltagonde, Emma Poole, Kate Mornane, Taleisha Kessell, Jenelle Saunders, Kristi Renfrey, Ashlee Kirkham, Merlene Hutt, Clarissa Kennedy-Scott, Harry Balaj
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) John Rigas, Aaron Lim, Kyle Ramboyong, Tara Schmidt, Leanne Eltagonde, Emma Poole
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Aaron Lim
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Aaron Lim, Vera Tabuzo, John Rigas, Kyle Ramboyong,
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kelly Beneforti, Darren Edwards, Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Darren Edwards
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kelly Beneforti
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Marilyn Gurruwiwi, Sophie Finden, Fletcher Anderson, Bianca Barberis, Shakur Petterson, Gabrielle Vanweydeveld, Kupe Potaka
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Katherine Rideout, Bethany White, Ervin Polinio, Aga Manulid, Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Katherine Rideout, Aga Manulid, Don Ofiaza MacKenzie, Michelle Long, Vicki Nguyen, Ervin Polinio, Piodena Sulong, Bethany White, Jemma Stanley
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Piodena Sulong, Vicki Nguyen, Jemma Stanley, Michelle Long
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Vicki Nguyen, Piodena Sulong, Ervin Polinio, Don Ofiaza MacKenzie, Jemma Stanley, Bethany White
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Sophie Finden, Kelly Beneforti, Miggy Maduro
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Tikki Gohier, Harini Bitla, Mia Lay, Sophie Finden, Yaseen Ursani, Daisy Wesley, Shakur Petterson, Bianca Barberis, Kelly Beneforti, Eden McCosh, Yvonne Rankin
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kate Mornane, Jenelle Saunders, Darren Edwards
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kate Mornane, Harry Balaj, Tara Schmidt
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Merlene Hutt, Kate Mornane, Tara Schmidt, Leanne Eltagonde, Kristi Renfrey, Darren Edwards, Ashlee Kirkham, Harry Balaj, Kyle Ramboyong
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Tikki Gohier, Gabrielle Vanweydeveld, Bianca Barberis, Harini Bitla, Shakur Petterson, Kelly Beneforti, Daisy Wesley, Marilyn Gurruwiwi, Harry Balaj, Yvonne Rankin, Ervin Polinio, Sophie Finden
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) all cast, Kristi Renfrey front
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kelly Beneforti, Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kelly Beneforti, Darren Edwards, Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) Kelly Beneforti, Darren Edwards, Vera Tabuzo
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) rehearsal all cast with David McMicken
    Photo: David Hancock (l-r) rehearsal Millner Primary School with Tim Newth

    Explore Further

    Iconic Tracks Works

    Media Responses

    … stunning production. Landed celebrates community and, of course, our beautiful backyard.” Courts White - Turn It Up (for and by young people in the Top End)

    “Tracks’ Landed integrates dance, site and community to express a sense of sacred belonging. … exemplify[ing] more than diversity; it represent[s] respect for and a capacity to build on the past, … to acknowledge the power, currency and survival of traditional spiritual life.” Nicky Fearn - Realtime

    Click here to read a review by Nicky Fearn

    “Other highlights of the opening weekend (of Darwin Festival) included local dance company Tracks' Landed, a site-specific guided tour in the dry Marrarra Swamp…”  Debbie Cuthbertson - The Age

    Audience Responses

    “Some absolutely beautiful images and moments experienced. Incorporated a diversity of community and professional level dance wonderfully so we get the best of both areas.”

    “A captivating experience that made me feel thoroughly connected to the land and the performers within the show.”

    “Landed resonated with me strongly; this experience of returning to Darwin and the feelings it evokes.” Kylie McMartin

    “My daughter & I saw the show on Saturday struggling with massive jet lag from arriving from Paris on Thursday. My 9-year-old forced me out of bed to come watch it after I had hit a wall of exhaustion. Once there we got our second wind. Energised I felt like the show was written just for us :) great show! We Loved it & my child was extremely disappointed when it ended.”  Stephanie de la Vie

    Cast Responses

    “Landed showcased the diversity of Darwin through the stories of the young people, their cultures and also the spaces in the walking trail. NT culture is not something that can be defined but has elements of sharing of knowledge, of differences and acceptance. I believe Landed worked to highlight all of these elements in the performance and process.”

    “the opportunity to take on many roles within the project continues to make me a more adaptable, resilient and open-minded artist.”

    “I've been able to change from a dancer to a performer”

    “ can be a hobby and still go a long way without it being a career.”

    “... being out in the site, in the surrounds of the bush was an obvious link to NT culture. For me personally I really loved this aspect of the performance and it certainly made me feel more connected to the land and have a greater appreciation for our natural surroundings and culture of our Indigenous peoples.”


    From the Soundtrack:  Water
    Composed by David McMicken for Kelly Beneforti's section Water

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.