En Masse - Civic Park

En Masse - Civic Park


    Civic Park, Darwin City

    Sunday 14 July, 2019
    Darwin Fringe Festival

    Big Mobs of Dancers

    This project saw our Participation Programme go into hyperdrive. The choreography was created to cater for the maximum number of people with a diverse set of abilities. We set our sights on 100 participants and En Masse allowed friends and families, parents and kids, workmates and anyone else to come together in a 7-minute dance romp.

    Firstly trialled on our Grey Panthers, we performed a smaller version at the 2019 Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival and the COTA NT Seniors Expo as a call out for more participants. The much-anticipated performance saw 101 dancers perform to an audience of over 200 people in Darwin's Civic Park. A sunset community spectacular, En Masse was a highlight of the closing night of the 2019 Darwin Fringe Festival.

    Full of Joy and Laughter

    The rehearsals were full of joy and laughter, as participants took to the theme with a vengeance. Workshop coordinator Bryn Wackett, organised 17 workshops to teach the choreography, including 4 general public weekend rehearsals in the month leading up, one masse group practice and of course the performance.

    Workshop Groups included: The Grey Panthers (60+ dance troupe), Milkwood Steiner School, Nightcliff Middle School, Darwin Middle School, Arts organisations housed at Harbour View Plaza, CemeNT Stars, Darwin Community Arts, Vietflame and the General Public.

    Cheeky Tourist Theme

    The choreography took a cheeky look at our dry season tourists, who come with various amounts of enthusiasm, often a little unprepared for the tropics:

    Arriving full of energy, the tourists follow their tour guides around the city. This does not take long...

    Listening to tourist information and warnings, they quickly realise that many things seem to be out to get you.

    Forgetting to drink water they succumb to dehydration and the Tour guides spray water over the 'zombie-like' tourists.

    Feeling revived, the tourists enjoy the cooler Darwin evenings and fun activities. However, the eerie sound of the Curlew at night frightens them away and they return to their double-decker buses and cruise ships.

    Creative Team

    Choreography: David McMicken and Kelly Beneforti
    Music Composition: James Mangohig (features the vocals of Ranger Stacey)
    Dance Leaders: David McMicken, Bryn Wackett, Kelly Beneforti, Jess Devereux and Madeleine Brown
    Workshop Coordinator: Bryn Wackett
    Video Resources filming and editing: Duane Preston
    Film Documentation: Dreamedia Creative


    Adelaide Wood, Alex McInnes, Ang O'Donnell, Annmarie McLeod, Antionetta Vanzella, Belinda Quinlivian, Bridie Maguire, Bryn Wackett, Carolyn Clark, Cassandra Wallace, Cassie Dimos, Coral-Lee Nelson, Darryl Butler, David McMicken, Dayanara Rosal, Dee-Ann Vahlberg, Di Koser, Donna Woods, El Ibo, Ellen Hankin, Eloy Mason, Emma Fitzsimons, Eve Palwik, Gail Gordon, Georga Cross, Hari Baskota, Harry Abrahams, Harry Nguyen, Helen De Silva, Henry Parham, Igen Mason, Janet Farnell, Janet Phillips, Janine Sims, Janine Sutter, Jay Hadley, Jeff Coulter, Jenni Sanderson, Jess Devereux, Jessica Mellor, Jocelyn Tribe, Johnson Ashley, Joseph McGee, Kass Yates, Katya Dimos, Kelly Beneforti, Kim Rogers, Kim Yates, Kiyan Jash, Lorina Trayte, Maari Gray, Madeleine Brown, Marg Dorman, Marg Lee, Margaret Montiero, Marge Duminski, Marilynne N Kirshbaum, Mark Lee, MaryAnn Hinton, Mayan Cupidon, Megan Bateman, Mim Ellen-Barwell, Neil Harvey, Nikki Charlesworth-Canning, Nirali Patel, Omri Mason, Pat O'Neil, Penny Phillips, Perrine Orlandini, Sally Hodgson, Saskia Strange, Sharon McKenzie, Sonny Yates, Sudha Coutinho, Susan Pattiselanno, Tania McLeod, Toni Vine-Bromley, Tristan McCallum, Uxel Mason, Val Hristova, Will Crawford and Vietflames; David, Fiona, Harry, Jane & Katy, Tina Kievit, Ursula Lyons, Veronica Priestley

    Company Partners

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Project Partners

    Jacana Energy and Darwin International Airport

    Supporting Partners

    Darwin Fringe Festival

    Tracks 2019

    Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    Company Director: Adelaide Wood
    Production Manager: Duane Preston
    Dance Animateur: Kelly Beneforti
    Associate Artistic Director: Jess Devereux
    Administrator: Jessica Mellor
    Bookkeeper: It Figures

    Committee Members: David Taylor (Chairperson), Mary Durack (Outgoing Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Michael Grant, Ken Conway, Venaska Cheliah, Sudha Coutinho, Max Dewa Stretton. David McMicken, Tim Newth, Adelaide Wood (Ex-Officio Members)

    Public Fund Trustees: Dr Anita Toth

    Patron: Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Marg Lee, Marge Duminski, Kylie Innes, Jess Devereux
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Jess Devereux, Ellen Hankin, Marge Duminski, David McMicken, Jeff Coulter, Belinda Quinlivian, Margaret Montiero, Marg Lee, Henry Parham, Kass Yates, Janine Sutter, Kim Yates, Harry Nguyen, Bryn Wackett, Dee-Ann Vahlberg
    Photo Duane Preston. All Cast
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Susan Pattiselanno, Kylie Innes, Jenni Sanders, Veronica Priestly, Cassie Wallace
    Photo Duane Preston. Cast incl (l-r) Bryn Wackett, MaryAnn Hinton, Kylie Innes, Jenni Sanders, Cassie Wallace, Val Hristova, Mayan Cupidon, Perrine Orlandini
    Photo Duane Preston. Cast incl (l-r) Igen Mason, Eloy Mason, Uxel Mason, Alex McInnes, Kylie Innes, Bryn Wackett, Veronica Priestly, Johnson Ashley, Emma Fitzsimons, Dayanara Rosal, Cassie Wallace, Mim Ellen-Barwell, Jenni Sanders, Jocelyn Tribe, Darryl Butler
    Photo Duane Preston. Cast incl (l-r) Marge Duminski, Belinda Quinlivian, Ellen Hankin, David Vietflame, Margaret Montiero, Jeff Coulter, Henry Parham, David McMicken, Marg Lee, Will Crawford, Janine Sutter, Kass Yates, Susan Pattiselanno, Joseph McGee, Igen Mason, Eloy Mason, Bryn Wackett
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Jeff Coulter, Henry Parham, David McMicken, Janine Sutter, Marg Lee, Toni Vine-Bromley
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Kass Yates, Henry Nguyen, Sonny Yates, Kim Yates, Perrine Orlandini, Campbell the Swaggie, MaryAnn Hinton
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) David Vietflame, Pat O'Neil, Nikki Charlesworth-Canning, Jeff Coulter, Belinda Quinlivian, Marge Duminski
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Jeff Coulter, Nikki Charlesworth-Canning
    Photo Duane Preston. Kelly Beneforti and Cast
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Sharon McKenzie, Lorina Trayte, Coral-Lee Nelson, Joseph McGee, Dee-Ann Vahlberg, Igen Mason, Omri Mason
    Photo Duane Preston. All Cast
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Emma Fitzsimons, Janine Sutter, Val Hristova, Jocelyn Tribe, Susan Pattiselanno, MaryAnn Hinton, Toni Vine-Bromley, Jenni Sanders, Antionetta Vanzela, Alex McInnes
    Photo Duane Preston. Emma Fitzsimons and cast
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Kelly Beneforti, Jess Devereux, David McMicken and Bryn Wackett (Madeleine Brown behind)
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) David McMicken, Janine Sutter, Kass Yates, Toni Vine-Bromley, Cassie Wallace, MaryAnn Hinton, Bryn Wackett, Jenni Sanders
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Omri Mason, Joseph McGee, Jessica Mellor, Eloy Mason, Uxel Mason
    Photo Duane Preston. (l-r) Veronica Priestly, Maari Gray, Mayan Cupidon, Perrine Orlandini, Cassie Wallace
    Photo Duane Preston. Bryn Wackett and Cast

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    Participation Projects


    "Proud to have been part of a Tracks performance...adds to my Territory credentials!" - Participant

    "I love Tracks! Thank you for the experience, I enjoyed every minute!" - Participant

    The social side of being part of En Masse was the best, I had many laughs and made some new friends, extremely good vibes felt from being part of this inclusive community, thanks fantastic Tracks team” - Participant


    Read about our other exciting activities throughout the year.
    Tracks 2019 Artistic Program

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2024 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.