Crowd Funding for Zombies in the Banyan Tree

Crowd Funding for Zombies in the Banyan Tree

A great Christmas present for Tracks dance. Why not support us by pledging money for our 2013 Festival show - Zombies in the Banyan Tree. Tracks Dance needs you!  Yes you!

We are seeking funding in order to bring Dewa Soma - gamelan player and musician from the Bina Remaja Troupe -  to Darwin to be part of the creative development and performance of Zombies in the Banyan Tree. Zombies is a youth focused, outdoor site specific performance where traditional Balinese, break and contemporary western dance and music forms collide. Zombies explores our fast changing cultural landscape and the excitement and fear that comes when popular culture and long held traditions clash and merge.

Our aims for the project are to:

  • Forge new relationships with Balinese cultural workers which will lead to the creation of choreography, cultural content and music for the Zombies in the Banyan Tree performance
  • Build long-term collaborative relationships with cultural institutions in Bali to encourage and support future exchanges
  • Engage with the local Indonesian community and ensure that Tracks staff and the company in general are more informed about the cultural life of contemporary Bali through a series of workshops and masterclasses.

This project will strengthen the relationships between performance practitioners in both Bali and Darwin and showcase the music and dance created as a result of these new connections. We aim to bring together a mix of traditional and contemporary dancers, choreographers and musicians, as well as filmmakers and cultural leaders to guide this project and ensure that it has cultural integrity and relevance both in the Australian and Balinese context.

We are seeking a total of $5,000 and we only get it if we reach this amount, otherwise all donated money gets returned to the donor.

Go to   Click the green 'support project' box and follow the prompts. It's that easy. We will be forever grateful to you.

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.