Auditions - Zombies in the Banyan Tree

Auditions - Zombies in the Banyan Tree

Tracks Dance Company is seeking community dancers and performers for Tracks  2013 Festival show Zombies in the Banyan Tree.

Auditions - KECAK CHOIR

Tracks is looking for 15 Male and 15 Female community performers to make up a Kecak movement choir.

Kecak originated in Bali and is a form of trance/dance music where the audio, dance and rhythm is created entirely by the performers using a sound based on monkeys' chattering, along with overlapping, assorted musical structures. The Kecak choir enact movements depicting various elements in the performance. At times they may be a group of monkeys, fire, wind, barriers, or even a snake.

If you are interested in being a part of this exciting event you will need to have some musical understanding/ability and a willingness to learn new vocal techniques and dance movements. We encourage people with passsion who are aged 15 years and older to apply.

Audition date: Saturday 6 April

Times: 10.30am - 12.30pm, or  1.30pm - 3.30pm

Tracks Dance Studio, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, 56 McMinn St Darwin.

You must register no later than Wednesday 3rd April. Late applications wil not be considered.

Please phone or email Tracks with your age, contact number, email address and which audition time you wish to attend.


Phone: 89 411 410

Auditions - CORE DANCERS

Tracks Dance company is looking for two groups of community dancers to be the core performers within it's 2013 Festival show, Zombies in the Banyan Tree.

Group One would be a group of 6 contemporary dancers who would also be willing/interested to learn some Balinese movement and  working in some street fusion styles. Aged between 16 and 30 years old.

Audition date: Thursday 4th April

Time: 6 - 8pm

Tracks Dance Studio, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, 56 McMinn St Darwin.

You must register no later than Monday 1st April. Late applications will not be considered.

Please phone or email Tracks with your age, contact number, email address and which audition you wish to attend.


Phone: 89 411 410

Group Two would consist of a group of 6 break and street style hip hop dancers who would be willing to explore working with a group of contemporary dancers. This group will work primarily under the choreographer Nick Power. Aged between 16 - 30 years old.

Audition date: Sunday 14th April

Time: 11.00am - 1.00pm

Tracks Dance Studio, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, 56 McMinn St Darwin

You must register no later than Wedneday 10th April. Late applications will not be considered.

Please phone or email Tracks with your age, contact number, email address and which audition you wish to attend.


Phone: 89 411 410

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.