2011 Milpirri Showing - Yinapaka

2011 Milpirri Showing - Yinapaka


    Lajamanu, Northern Territory

    October 27, 2011

    Stories from Yinapaka (Lake Surprise)

    Due to community unrest, we were unable to produce a full Milpirri. We could only work with one group at the school, so we worked through the community to develop a month-long program of youth dance workshops and community consultations in Lajamanu. The workshops were led by Tracks Co-Artistic Director David McMicken, with Nick Power, Caleb Japanangka Patrick and Jess Devereux. After one week of development in Darwin, workshops were held in the Lajamanu School, and in the community with assistance from the Mt Theo Program.

    The theme was stories from Yinapaka (Lake Surprise), a culturally significant site that is included on the Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia. It is in the Southern Tanami Desert near an ephemeral wetland. The site is a red sandplain adjacent to a freshwater drainage system. Yinapaka is a place for birds. This is a yellow group place

    Significantly we were given information about:
    Yellow Group- Spotted Harrier Winyiwinpa. A smart hunter that takes advantage of lazy hunters. Also the Ngatijirri - green grass parrot.
    Blue Group: Emu Karna Nganja - teacher - free with knowledge
    Also Brown Hawk - Kirrkalunji (Community with fear) A strong hunter, dangerous and forceful. It can kill the big snake.
    Green Group: The Crow - Karnka. A smart bird that can work things out. Also, daytime - Parra - was a theme
    Red Group: Stone Curlew - Wirntiki. The bird is helpful (when there is no water this bird will find it, showing the way)

    A small showing was held at the school featuring the work created with the Champions Class group. In the evening a larger public showing was held on the basketball courts on Friday, October 28 2011. Almost 200 audience members comprising of local Yapa and non-Indigenous residents of Lajamanu and many visitors witnessed the public showing.

    Jerry Jangala Patrick opened the evening with a welcome followed by him singing and playing the boomerangs, whilst Yukihiro Doi (Master of Philosophy candidate from ANU Canberra) and Caleb Japanangka performed with an old Warlpiri instrument called kurlumpurrngu, similar to a small didgeridoo. This instrument has not been used in ceremony for over 40 years and this performance saw its resurgence. Two new dances based on bird themes created by Tracks for a group of younger females were followed by the Yawulyu Women Ceremonial Dancers performing the Ngatijirri dance (Green Grass Parrot).  Nick Power, Caleb Japanangka Patrick and Jess Devereux performed a short new work and the night concluded with Chinese music student Yun Hui from the ANU playing his traditional flute (Click Goes the Shears). It was a great night with a lot of positive energy floating around.

    As a result of Caleb Japanangka Patrick's work, with Tracks and within his community of Lajamanu, he was shortlisted for a Northern Territory Young Achievers Award for the Arts

    Creative Personnel

    Creative Director: Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Co-Artistic Directors: Tim (Jampijinpa) Newth, David (Japaljarri) McMicken
    Choreography: Nick (Japanangka) Power, Jessica (Napangardi) Devereux, 
    Youth Dance Leader: Caleb Japanangka Patrick


    • A welcome song by Jerry Jangala Patrick
    • Kurlumpurrngu demonstration – song and dance.
    • Females youth dance - learning to take leadership and step up to the mark
    • Baby Birds - Learning new things and flocking
    • Nick, Jess  and Caleb -  Crow and other birds - something towards which to aspire
    • Yawulyu Nagatjirri dance - belonging to Nungarrayi, Jungarrayi, Napaljarri and Japaljarri skin groups
    • Musical Sharing - Yun Hui plays Click Goes The Shears

    Thank you

    Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, Jerry Jangala Patrick, Mount Theo youth program (Suzi, David and Nicki), Stuart Carter PAW Media, Wanyaka Arts Centre and Staff, Dr Jeniffer Biddel, Patrick, Roger and Patricia @ school, David Taylor, Susan Congreve, Kelly Blumberg, Gail Evans, Robert Chapman, Louisa (Warnyaka Arts Centre)

    Funding Bodies

    Rio Tinto Aboriginal Fund, GMAAAC (Granites Mines Affected Areas Aboriginal Corporation), Newmont Asia Pacific, Lajamanu Progress Association, Tracks is assisted by: the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and the Northern Territory Government

    Tracks 2011

    Co-Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Susan Congreve
    Dance Animateur: Jess Devereux
    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Administrator: Gail Evans
    Bookkeeper: Caroline Voigt
    Development Consultants: Michelle Silby, Suzanne Fermanis
    Milpirri Executive Officer: Susan Congreve

    Committee Members: (Chair) David Taylor, (Vice-Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Michael Grant, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Joanna Barrkman, Stephanie Cvirn, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan

    Patron: His Honour Mr Tom Pauling QC, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Mrs Tessa Pauling

    Photo: Jess Devereux - Flying into Lajamanu
    Photo: Stuart Carter. Nick Power, David McMicken, Jess Devereux
    Photo: Stuart Carter (l-r) Nick Power, Jess Devereux, David McMicken
    Photo: Stuart Carter. (l-r) Ananais (Yogi) Japaljarri Tasman, Brent Japangardi Tasman
    Photo: Stuart Carter. (l-r) Sheldon Jakamarra Lewis, (top), Elija Jupurrula Walker?
    Photo: Stuart Carter. (l-r) Zacarita Napurrula Paterson ?
    Photo: Jess Devereux. Nick Power in Rec Hall
    Photo Jess Devereux.
    Photo David McMicken? (l-r) Jess Devereux, Nick Power
    Photo David McMicken? Jess Devereux teaching
    Photo Jess Devereux. female students
    Photo: Jennifer Biddle. (l-r) Elija Jupurrula Walker, Ananais (Yogi) Japaljarri Tasman, Caleb Japanangka Patrick
    Photo: Jennifer Biddle. (l-r) Caleb Japanangka Patrick
    Photo: Jennifer Biddle. (l-r) Ngatijirri Dance: Myra Nungarrayi Herbert (Patrick), Maisie Napangardi (Granites) Tasman, Margaret Nungarrayi Martin, Biddy Nungarrayi Long, Judy Napaljarri Walker, Judy Napangardi Martin, Peggy Napaljarri Rockman
    Photographer: Unknown. (l-r) Professor Martin Carroll - CDU, Caleb Japanangka Patrick

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.