2004 Grey Panthers
Tracks Dance Studio, Frog Hollow for the Arts, Darwin City
Throughout the year, 2004
Over 60's Dance Troupe and Classes
In 2004 the Grey Panthers remained fit, healthy and active members of Darwin’s cultural life, creating nine small-scale one-off performances that were seen by over 2,500 people. New women continue to join and Friday mornings seeing the Tracks Dance Studio packed to bursting. The Grey Panthers are seen as exemplary role models for the seniors in Darwin. They ‘live’ a lifestyle that shows the health benefits of a creative dance experience.
Who saw the women this year? The Arthritis Foundation function at Government House, Danila Dilba Chronic Conditions, Administrators Pleasure at the Darwin Entertainment Centre, Breast Cancer Awareness, Respiratory Care, Seniors Week, Palmerston University of the Third Age (U3A), everyone at the Darwin Christmas Tree Lighting, and the launch of the Portrait of A Senior Territorian.
Creative Personnel
Program Leaders: Julia Quinn and David McMicken
Choreographers: David McMicken, and Julia Quinn
Judith Allen, Lucy Aylett, Betty Ballinger, Barby Barkly, Marj Baxter, Kay Brown, Adie Bruce, Bette Chapman, Val Clark, Gloria Corliss, Diane Dibbins, Marge Duminski, Gisela Erfurt, Liz Gammon, Margaret Glowacki, Audrey Gorring, Kathleen Harding, Val Hristova, Jan Hastings, Val Hayes, Crena Hemmings, Sheila Hensby, Jan Honeyman, Anita Janson, Margaret Lee, Elaine Marlow, Melkina Mathie, Judy McKerr, Dianne Mount, Helen Murphy, Anne Newman, Bev Paget, Greta Quong, Shirley Somers, Idalia de Sousa, Janine Sutter, Gwen Varney, Maria Vlastuin, Punny Vegter, Mavis Waddell, and Jacquie Williams
Tracks 2004
Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
Company Manager: Sue Mornane
Dance Animateur: Julia Quinn
Youth Trainee: Marko Taopo
Bookkeeper: Heather Richards
Development Consultant: Suzanne Fermanis
Committee Members: Jackie Wurm (Chair), David Taylor (Vice-Chair), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Kyleigh Hindson (Secretary/Public Officer), Ken Conway, Donna Quong, Jill MacAndrew, Kay Brown (Ordinary Committee Members), David McMicken and Tim Newth (Ex-Officio Members)
Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan

Explore Further
"This all female troupe of energetic performers have long been an inspiration to Senior Territorians everywhere, with their invincible enthusiasm and ‘get out and enjoy life’ attitude." Your Weekend